Tattoos and Piercings, Why?


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Apr 12, 2007
North Jersey
It's a nice warm day so I took my dog for a walk. My house is less than a 5 minute walk from a university and since my dog is a people puppy I took her there, after a few minutes I noticed almost every student had tattoos and facial piercings. WHY?

I understand if you're Samoan and it's a rite of passage but as a college student in NJ I don't get it.
For guys, who cares? But for young women, to me it seems like grafitti (or if you paid a lot, a mural) on a building. Some it would improve or at least not detract much from, as the building ain't much to look at anyway. But as I told my daughter when she got a danged mural on her shoulder, you wouldn't put grafitti on the Taj Majal or even on a nice house, would you? So why do it to your body? Getting rid of it when it goes out of style (which it will surely do) will be hard and expensive. I can imagine a bunch of old women with names like Brandi and Heather sitting around a nursing home 50 years from now stretching out their wrinkles skin to show the old tattoo, trying to guess what each other's was supposed to be when they were young. Or as one person told me 'a butterfly on the back will someday look like a buzzard in the crack.'
back in my day all we had to do was grow our hair long to scare the old folks, what is the next generation going to do?
back in my day all we had to do was grow our hair long to scare the old folks, what is the next generation going to do?

I'm sure they'll think of something.


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There are times a rather small tatoo looks pretty good if it is done right. I personally have never wanted one. In my case it's like painting a rusty bumper. Underneath it still is an old rusty bumper. Then there are the more outrageous ones. :jawdrop::no2:


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Just the "attention desperation" disorder some people seem to be afflicted with. Kind of like any disorder, these people can't seem to help it. Social media is only making it worse. The ones putting pictures of their dinner on facebook or jacking their street truck up 12", or whatever the trend is today are the same type, they just have enough sense to not get horns implanted...:D
I think some people like to be different “against the grain” so to speak. They do not want to follow the way society is portrayed to be...
It's simply a fad. A long running fad maybe but yes.

I don't know, but every time I'm at the doctor's or in the hospital, the thought occurs to me "What if I had my (blank) pierced, or a (blank) tattoo on my (blank) and wondering what the nurse or doctor is thinking about me? I'm glad I don't and am relieved.

Then I notice most of the younger nurses all have piercings and/or tats.

(Sigh). :roll:
Daughter got a what they call a tramp stamp in college. Thought she was pulling one over on Mom and Dad because we never looked at her hind end. Anyway, she matured and got more sensible and has paid a lot of money to get it lazered off. Still has a way to go.

I'm with the OP, why get something permanent on your body. However, as they are so common nowadays, we just have to wait till it goes out of style.
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Not sure what all the hubbub is.
I personally like most tattoos. Although the pic posted here are NOT my style lol.. to each their own.

I am 55 and I got my one and only Tattoo about 10 years ago.. In fact my Wife, Daughter and Son all got Tattoos in Hawaii at the same time..

my daughter was 21, and my Son 25.

All of our Tattoos are Tasteful and not exposed. It was something we wanted to do as a family and something for us all to remember.

Mine : Sun and the Moon (shoulder)
Wife: Hyacinth (ankle)
Son: Sunset (arm)
Daughter: Cross and Rosary

We are ALL normal people such as yourself we ALL hold respectful Jobs, we ALL go to Church and we ALL LOVE our Family Tattoo's and have NO regrets whatsoever.
I did not want to be a religious thread, I was just wondering why people do this to their bodies.

If I walked into a persons office (accountant, doctor) and saw tattoos on their hands I would think twice about them.

My friends daughter has a tattoo when I asked her what language it was she told me ELF. That's just strange.
I don't care for tats but if you want one, it's your choice. To me, it's a step down as how I feel about the person. Maybe not as clean, not sure. Veterans are okay to have them and doesnt change my view of them. If I was to date a female as a meet and greet for a date and she had tats? No way....that's just me.
Please read our Forum Rules. Rule #2 states in part that there should be no discussions of religion.

I have cleaned up this thread, please keep it that way.
I got my 1st one while in the Corps. Got a few later on , nothing major. I did not know that tattoos were a sin in the eyes of the Lord. Now I know there's just one more thing to be judged on. :no: . But I would think he will judge us on our actions throughout our lives. I try to at least use the 10 commandments as a rule for life. When my grandmother died , the preacher from the church she was a member of , a Methodist church. Well this was a new preacher , and this was an old church and an old community . I was on delayed entry for the Corps at the time , and while talking with the preacher , found out he was a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran , with full sleeve tattoos on both arms. He turned out to be really well liked as a preacher for that old community. And I'm talking a community where people were 60 to 90 years old , and this was in the early 80s. So I'm hoping the lord will show a little lieniancy for my tats , if I've tried to do right by the people in my life. Either that , or I've got to become a preacher to earn my way into the promised land. Wish me luck!!!
Please read our Forum Rules. Rule #2 states in part that there should be no discussions of religion.

I have cleaned up this thread, please keep it that way.
Sorry, did not mean to violate any rules.

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I got my first tattoo when I was 14 years old, in juvenile detention center. I did it myself with a needle and India ink that was smuggled into the facility. Pure rebellion. It was on my chest and I managed to hide it from my parents for almost 2 years.
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