It's old, it's heavy, it's brass and copper and it's beautiful!


In Memory Of
Feb 13, 2010
Alabama, by way of Detroit, Tampa Bay, Alabama and
Love finding the silver, the gold, all the other stuff, too.
Some have great worth.
Other times I find things that are just...interesting and neat.
Found this the other day at a home site where I am looking for silver.
Tons of iron here, I am also finding old tools and all kinds of other metal and odds and ends and bits and pieces from the old farm house that used to be here.
This one is!
A small faucet, only about 3" tall, made out of brass and it has a few copper parts and this is just perfect to go on display somewhere.
It works by a little handle on top and I have looked all over the net, looked at hundreds of images and I can't find one that comes close to matching it.
CBC is imprinted on it, can't find anything matching a company with that name yet but I saw one other brass fitting that had the same letters, it is a brass valve blow off petcock for a Steam/Gas tractor engine.
the guy selling it wants $32.80 for it too.


If it is indeed a stem tractor part that puts it at the late 1800's early 1900's, just about right as the time frame for this home which I believe goes back that far or further.
I wonder what yuppies are paying for beautiful, old nostalgic bathroom fixtures nowadays?

Here it is in the out of the ground state...


I threw it in the tumbler for a bit, took it out and disassembled it and tumbled all the pieces some more.
They came out nice.
The two screws and the hinge are copper and they look great in contrast next to the brass.
The pictures do not do them justice.


I got it to a clean enough state and I am not cleaning it any more.
It has that perfect antique look, even the wife says she loves it and she usually says that about many of my odd finds but she usually doesn't mean it.
This time I think she does.

It ain't all about jewelry and coins and relics all the time..for me, anyway.
Bury something in the ground for over 100 years, dig it up, clean it up and then it can be considered art.

Always something about a sturdy piece of metal machinery/tool/gadget that is really old. It's not precious metal, but carries a uniqueness all it's own.

Very cool! Looks great!
Digger27. Your second pix looks like a float valve (minus the float) the ones used in watering troff for livestock?
Very Nice! Definitely an early safety blow-off valve. It cleaned up quite nicely too!
I'm like that too Digger. I have a lot of things that no one else would give a second glance too. BUT.... I LIKE IT. Those are cool finds and they will look GREAT on display.
Cool finds digger. I'm a plumber, so I have an appreciation for old fixtures. I believe CBC is for Central Brass Company?
Sweet find Digger :cool:

MAN, that cleaned up so freaking awesome! You're completely right, that IS art! People pay good money or items like that.

With you 100%. That is just cool to look at. Especially cleaned up a little. I've saved all my old copper and brass fixtures too. Just something about them that speaks to their history. You know, back when things were built to last...
I posted this on other forums and many opinions about what it really is.
My favorite, and the most plausible one so far is also the most striking difference in how they made things in the past and the things that perform the exact same function today.

An old toilet fill valve assembly.
Seems to work the same as the modern ones...up closed, down open, and there is a hole in the hollow arm to insert a rod attached to a float.

They still make brass ones, but I can't remember the last time I saw one of these that wasn't made out of plastic.

With that lead I went online and poked around and that is indeed what this thing is...
A high tank toilet fill valve according to the collector on Etsy selling one just like it from his collection.
He says it is from the 30's, so maybe...or it still might be older than that.

So from an old toilet...Eeeewwwwwww!
But at least it was one of those old style ones with the box up high.

The pics below have two different ones, the one on the right is mine exactly.


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