Fantastic place names that sound a detectors dream??


Full Member
Feb 20, 2006
Billericay, Essex, Great Britain
Where I live there is a small commune called Pont Du Corps
which means Bridge of bodies
It turns out that the nice friendly british realm piled up the dead french in the river so they could cross it during the 100 years war....I will soon be detecting a farm track that runs through the area and maybe more if I get to know some of the people who live round the area

What place names have you heard about that made you want to detect or find out about the history of the place or both??
Fort Knox :lol: Just kidding, there is a place here in Michigan that is named Grindstone city. I guess way back when there was a lot of business going on in the grain and flour industry, and this just might be a great place to do some hunting.
Front Street

Just about everyones heard of famous old Dodge City Kansas but do they know of its old main street? Front Street was Dodge City's east-west main street that led to all the saloons and played host to many gunfights. Ever see Gunsmoke? Ever see any old pictures of Dodge City? Well that dirt street in front of the buildings was Front Street.

In 1885 front street was ravaged by not one but 2 fires that left most of the old saloons nothing but shells. Soon the old dirt street was bricked and then paved. In 1973 Urban Renewal came in and removed all the old original Dodge City buildings and built a parking lot in there place. I kept a close eye on that area of now called Wyatt Earp and finally hit pay dirt in 1992 when that section of Wyatt Earp was torn up for construction.

Seeing possibly my only chance to hunt this possible virgin ground of very high historical background I hit it every night after the workers went home. Did I find anything good? Yes I did quite well. Nothing of super monetary value but I do have bragging rights as the only person to ever hunt Front Street. Heres a token I found there.

Like Detecter, has stated the spots that demo work is gone in exposes very old unhunted areas. These are my favorite spots too.
There are two little towns/villages near here that have places where I intend to hunt sometime. Both are near Raystown Lake where I hunt ocassionally. The one town is "Aitch", I dont know what in the "H" I'll find there?!?!?!?!?!
The other little town is "Shy Beaver".
I have always been told to watch for street names to give you clues to research

Example... Old School Road.... Where there is no school anymore or Carriage House Road, etc...

Add your own street names here.... What road names would you look for?
I always want to turn when I see a sign that says "Ferry Street" or "Old Mill Rd."
One of the beaches I hunt in the warmer weather here in RI is called Gaspee Point beach. Gaspee Point is famous, at least here in RI, as the place colonists from Providence banded together and attacked and burned the British revenue schooner HMS Gaspee, after it grounded on a sandbar on the night of June 9th, 1772. It was one of the first blows for freedom, coming almost a year and a half before the Boston Tea Party.

I have only hunted on this beach a few times, and have yet to find anything signficant, but I still have high hopes for this beach this summer. Imagine finding a relic from such an important event in our colonial history - I sure can!

Here's a link for any of you who may be history buffs:
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