Thames Treasure Hunters, Nat Geo special airs Feb 22, 9 pm


Full Member
Oct 23, 2009
Hi All
A show I filmed with Nat Geo last spring is airing tomorrow night Feb 22nd at 9 pm in the UK on Nat Geo HD
and should air on March 20th here in the US. The Show is:Thames Treasure Hunters, Lucky Muckers
This is not a reality show but one week filming on the Thames river with the Mudlarks a group of detectorists and diggers who hunt the shore of the river when the tide goes out. I was the first American filmed working with them.
The mudlarks report all finds to the museum of london. Increasing the historical knowledge of London.
Nat Geo did a great job of telling the story of some of our finds. Please check it out and let me and Nat Geo know what you think, so I can do more of these shows.

Anyone with friends in the UK please pass the word.

Here's a link to a clip of the show
Chicago Ron


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I just watched it very very good Ron, I like the way you talked about holding history in your hand. Hopefully the Diggers show will have a respect for the hobby as well.

Checked on this. It did not show up on my program listing where I live.
I watched the clip and can't wait to see the whole program! You are one lucky dog and have certainly earned your place in the detecting hierarchy! I love your videos on youtube and wish you good luck on your up-coming trip to the UK for your spring hunt. : )
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