Hunting Old Cemeteries


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Jun 15, 2020
Atlanta GA
Is hunting around old cemeteries a good or bad idea ? I know of some old small ones near me but I don't want to get myself in trouble.. :?:
Too late you are already in trouble just for thinking about it.

It is extremely frowned upon to hunt IN a cemetery. The areas around it can still look bad to some, but you will never please everyone. I will hunt outside the fence if there is one, if not I stay further away from the graves than I would with a fence. Old cemeteries that would have horse and buggy riders often had a nearby watering hole that can be a good spot.
Is hunting around old cemeteries a good or bad idea ? I know of some old small ones near me but I don't want to get myself in trouble.. :?:

If you have permission from the land owner and stay out of the actual cemetery, then in some situations it might be OK.
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Years ago a friend asked me about detecting in cemeteries. When I told him hell no, he asked me why. I said what do you think I would be like if I found you digging over my mother's grave? He quickly understood that there is no good optics for that situation and an ass whooping is a real possibility in those circumstances. To me it has always been about respecting folks last resting place as I would want someone to respect the ground my people are buried in.

If that isn't enough reason then let me also say. Even old cemeteries have folks that put those fake flowers out through out the year. And all those fake flowers have metal wires supporting the stems. I have to guess that that ground is heavily masked with those wires on top of being sacred ground to someone.
I'd do it, no grave digging but looking for dropped things around them I'm ok with.
I'd do it, no grave digging but looking for dropped things around them I'm ok with.

See, the thing is not so much how you look at it. But how others will see it. A lot of the local cemeteries in my area with real age to them have generations of families buried there. And great grandson make take that activity personal.

And could you really blame someone for tuning you up for messing with the ground their family is laid to rest in? Not for me I have better things to do with my time
When I pass all are welcome to poke around over my grave !

You could always leave a bag of coins behind with instructions to sprinkle them in the hole as they are back filling it just in case anyone takes you up on your offer. A kind of last "paying it forward" ;)
Oh man bad idea. So many other places in this world

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See, the thing is not so much how you look at it. But how others will see it. A lot of the local cemeteries in my area with real age to them have generations of families buried there. And great grandson make take that activity personal.

And could you really blame someone for tuning you up for messing with the ground their family is laid to rest in? Not for me I have better things to do with my time

Sorry, I took this as an old cemetery like stones out in the woods that are unknown/uncared for. I wouldn't visit an "old cemetery" that's like a maintained, just aged, location. Probably should clarify that portion.
There is a state park near me that has a somewhat large cemetery, as these things go, that dates to the 1700s. Under PA law, to detect a state park, you simply need permission of the park manager. In this case, the manager's office overlooks the cemetery.

I asked permission to detect the park, not for the cemetery, but because I located where an old train station was in the park. The manager gave me permission, and then told me of all the detectorists who come in and hunt the cemetery. He was dripping with disgust.

Why he gave permission but didn't say don't hunt the cemetery, I can't say, but it is just the story as it happened. I'm not religious but I think it is bad juju to hunt a cemetery as it gives us a bad name, and disrespects those who have passed, and those who put alot of effort into honoring their ancestors.

Just don't do it. As was said before, there are so many other places. If I spent 8 hours a day, every day, for the rest of my life, I still would not run out of places to detect.
This thread reminded me of something from my old neighborhood. This was just up the street from my house about 2 blocks. There was a grave site in this front yard right next to the street. I often wondered how he got there and how they worked around him with the utilities and road maintenance. I am certain he was a veteran, but I can't remember from which era? I'll see if I can find the story. Makes you wonder if there are others out there buried randomly that might not be marked?

Here is the story.

Aside from the grave, many would probably like to hunt this yard.


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Thanks for the input.. Guess I'll drop the cemetery idea.. back to sneaking around in the woods and streams.
Cemeteries are hallowed ground for me. I wouldn’t do it even if I had permission. Just taboo. If I go to cemetery it’s to pay my respects to those who have passed on.
Thanks for the input.. Guess I'll drop the cemetery idea.. back to sneaking around in the woods and streams.

Welcome to the Forum!

Just like clock work a thread about cemeteries will come up from newer members.

Glad you decided to drop the cemetery idea!

Have fun dig'n most other places! :cool3:
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