Cemetary Sidewalks?


Elite Member
Mar 9, 2006
Upstate NY
Yes, we welcome you all back to another installment of "Cemetery Sematics" and todays questions is:

Do you think it is ok to detect the sidewalk that runs on the outside fence or gate perimeter of a cemetery?

Thoughts? Feelings? Get your popcorn!
This guy thought it was ok, it pretty much ruined his life.
His version was he was just digging up a few coins near the sidewalks, the news media had him digging up graves with a shovel and stealing rings and jewelry.
No matter what the truth is people are crazy, illogical and enraged easily.
I wouldn't go near a graveyard, inside, outside, sidewalks or anywhere else and this is why.


Original news story...

I did that once, but I felt strange, /like I wasnt supose to be here. well i have not done that since. Each to his own, I know I wouldnt do that again
I wouldn't...simply because people will probably think you may try and enter the cemetery hunting that close to it.
If the word "cemetery" part of the noun that is the subject of the sentence describing where you want to hunt, it should be avoided. This is generally due to perception issues. And lets face it - perception is everything. All you need to do is be the next social media celebrity to be shown with the description of "Grave Digger". Not only will it cause you innumerable headaches, it will probably get you a nice personal visit from the local police.

What an individual detectorist does can affect the entire community. You are a representative. How you are perceived is how we will all be perceived.
This guy thought it was ok, it pretty much ruined his life.
His version was he was just digging up a few coins near the sidewalks, the news media had him digging up graves with a shovel and stealing rings and jewelry.
No matter what the truth is people are crazy, illogical and enraged easily.
I wouldn't go near a graveyard, inside, outside, sidewalks or anywhere else and this is why.


Original news story...


Digger27, you're aware that in-that-link, the fellow was inside a cemetery. This question is about outside a cemetery.

But it all boils down NOT to reality. Because OF COURSE you/we won't disturb coffins on the parking strip outside a cemetery. (for that matter, you wouldn't disturb them inside the cemetery either). It's all about public perception/image. So if someone wants to do parking strips outside a cemetery, all I can say is: Do so when no un-informed people are there to gripe. :roll:
Everyone has their own decisions to make. I would never be that close to a cemetery , just for the fact that passers-by will think I have been, or am going into the cemetery. Also I will never detect in a cemetery out of respect for the deceased...Just my beliefs, yours may vary. Also if you think doing it at night would make a difference, what do you think the cop or citizen(who may report you) will think you are doing near a cemetery at night ?????? They will see you or your vehicle and report it, just because it is SUSPICIOUS.
Outside the cemetery is fine as far as I'm concerned. Anywhere inside the fence of the cemetery boundary is off limits. Just my opinion.
There are too many other good places to metal detect to even bother anywhere near a cemetery.

Having said that I have detected churches before with permission near the fenced Cemetery ...I chose not to detect at that area at all...

There are just too many good places to metal detect cemeteries aren't one of them. Even outside the fences :)

My .02
Digger27, you're aware that in-that-link, the fellow was inside a cemetery. This question is about outside a cemetery.

But it all boils down NOT to reality. Because OF COURSE you/we won't disturb coffins on the parking strip outside a cemetery. (for that matter, you wouldn't disturb them inside the cemetery either). It's all about public perception/image. So if someone wants to do parking strips outside a cemetery, all I can say is: Do so when no un-informed people are there to gripe. :roll:

He says he was using a little trowel digging a few inches down along fences and sidewalks.
The fences are around the outside of the property.
Even the cops said all they found on him were a few coins and normal trash.
None of that matters, the news got a hold of it, blew it all out of proportion and it became he was way inside the cemetery with a shovel digging up graves stealing rings and jewelry.
If he was outside the fence line the same thing could have happened because right or wrong the fact is people are crazy and all it takes is one nut job to ruin your day.
How many members get yelled at by people that don't like them digging in in public curb strips and call the cops or even in public parks and then lie to the police about how much damage has actually been done?
Even one is too many for me, why take the chance digging anywhere near a cemetery when there are so many other places available that won't trigger this type of villager with torches and pitchfork behavior...or a lot less chance of it, anyway?

Your advice is do the property outside cemeteries when nobody is around.
Mine is just don't even take the even one in a million chance something can go way wrong and do them at all.
To each their own.
This was merely an inquiry on what members think overall; you can look back at my past posts about cemeteries and see that I too think there are better places to look.

And yes, the majority of you all agree our hobby is truly one of perception - and god don't we know in the world we live in today, people make up all things about a person just by sight alone (sigh).

Thanks for entertaining me with your answers - hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend...and I hope you don't find any Memorials!
Yes, we welcome you all back to another installment of "Cemetery Sematics" and todays questions is:

Do you think it is ok to detect the sidewalk that runs on the outside fence or gate perimeter of a cemetery?

Thoughts? Feelings? Get your popcorn!
Let me guess, you live right next to a cemetery knowing that everything there has been there since 1814 and it's driving you crazy?
Stay away from the Cemetery. No detecting in or nearby a Cemetery. It makes the entire hobby look bad and we all suffer because of it.
Let me guess, you live right next to a cemetery knowing that everything there has been there since 1814 and it's driving you crazy?

Close, it's near a relative and the entire walk in front of the cemetery (for like 3 city blocks) is nothing but OLD slate sidewalks...drives me nuts. But, regardless, its off limits for me and luckily anyone else with a sense of integrity and respect for the hobby.
Here's a picture of me and my buddy, man we were finding coins and rings everywhere...only kidding!


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Close, it's near a relative and the entire walk in front of the cemetery (for like 3 city blocks) is nothing but OLD slate sidewalks...drives me nuts. But, regardless, its off limits for me and luckily anyone else with a sense of integrity and respect for the hobby.

Don't let it bug you, mine is right across the street. Definitely not worth the problems it may cause. I stay well clear of the cemetery but actually had someone smart off to me about being in a cemetery with a detector and I was standing on my property. Working outside the fence would surely draw the same attention.
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