Anyone else perplexed by the recent UFO stuff?


Elite Member
Dec 2, 2015
New england
Ive always believed there has to be other life in the cosmos, but watching all the stuff comig out lately, and along with all the "tic tac" ufo vids, and other types beig uploaded on the "only real ufos" youtube channel ..
Its almost getting concerning ..
I'm not sure I'm totally sold on aliens, but then again, I never thought I would believe in ghosts either. Then a friend sent me this picture šŸ˜¬
View rece1.jpg
I thoroughly believe this is an anomaly. Sure someone will come along and try to downplay it, but this was caught on a motion detection camera. His phone alerts him whenever movement is detected. Plus some of the other evidence he showed me in person was enough to make me really question it. So I would say, anything is possible! :lol:
Well considering all that has transpired in the last year, I'm not surprised at all. Look at it this way, if we are invaded by space aliens, maybe we will stop fighting among ourselves.;)
Well considering all that has transpired in the last year, I'm not surprised at all. Look at it this way, if we are invaded by space aliens, maybe we will stop fighting among ourselves.;)

I can only hope that if we are invaded by aliens, they are a living organism prety much like any on earth, and wont like hot lead zipping through em...:shock:
Some of the videos sent in to that youtube channel are crazy...and most seem legit ...
Well considering all that has transpired in the last year, I'm not surprised at all. Look at it this way, if we are invaded by space aliens, maybe we will stop fighting among ourselves.;)

So called "aliens" just might "possibly" be used as an excuse to usher in the antichrist one world government. :roll:
KT just ignors that stuff, as there are enough weirdos among us already! Ain't got time for speculation!

If they exist, KT hopes they cannot detect any intelligent life on this planet and leave us alone! :laughing::laughing:
KT just ignors that stuff, as there are enough weirdos among us already! Ain't got time for speculation!

If they exist, KT hopes they cannot detect any intelligent life on this planet and leave us alone! :laughing::laughing:

Oh, they're some "unintelligent" life here too. Some person tried to steal one of our outgoing mail things thinking it was a check, only for it to be a VERY late April fools joke that exploded baking soda. Caught the whole thing on camera, I watched the footage MUTED for a specific reason, ie, the camera has no profanity filter.

Still laughing :laughing:

Oh, they're some "unintelligent" life here too. Some person tried to steal one of our outgoing mail things thinking it was a check, only for it to be a VERY late April fools joke that exploded baking soda. Caught the whole thing on camera, I watched the footage MUTED for a specific reason, ie, the camera has no profanity filter.

Still laughing :laughing:


Sounds like you've got a great neighborhood on your hands. :laughing:
Oh, they're some "unintelligent" life here too. Some person tried to steal one of our outgoing mail things thinking it was a check, only for it to be a VERY late April fools joke that exploded baking soda. Caught the whole thing on camera, I watched the footage MUTED for a specific reason, ie, the camera has no profanity filter.

Still laughing :laughing:


Payback is beautiful! The person should be happy it was not loaded with purple indelible ink! Ha ha.
So called "aliens" just might "possibly" be used as an excuse to usher in the antichrist one world government. :roll:

I agree ..definitely cannot trust an installed govt. But if the things that have been reported are true , like things entering the ocean from above at a good clip without destruction, yet the navy being unable to find it or track it.. it seems things are only gonna get more weird from here
So called "aliens" just might "possibly" be used as an excuse to usher in the antichrist one world government. :roll:

I agree ..definitely cannot trust an installed govt. But if the things that have been reported are true , like things entering the ocean from above at a good clip without destruction, yet the navy being unable to find it or track it.. it seems things are only gonna get more weird from here

I can definitely understand your point that there might be some very convincing weird stuff going on with more to come, but just to offer a perspective from a prophetic viewpoint, there are warnings in scripture about some very convincing deceptions Satan will use to deceive many people into thinking his antichrist one world government would be a good thing. Just a couple short excerpts as examples:

"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders," II Thess. 2:9

"..... and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect...." Matt. 24:24

Now I realize not everyone might agree with a scriptural viewpoint and I am not wanting to start any debate, but I simply wanted to share that view for consideration. From how it is prophesied that there will be an antichrist one world government (for a limited period of time) then those deceptive signs and wonders must need to be very convincing to deceive enough people for that to happen. Bible prophecy also seems to indicate there will be a WWIII nuclear war (I think such a war might likely be orchestrated as an excuse for a global government)
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Militaries send new and altered aircraft designs on test flights all the time. Eventually they alter the testing bounds and other people are more likely to see them. Pulsejets make interesting sounds and funny contrails. Advances in fly by wire and control surface placement allow aircraft profiles that look like they shouldn't be able to fly, like flat triangles. I'll bet you'll hear about a hypersonic attack aircraft being the hero of some war in ten years, like you did the nighthawk in desert storm. And probably some weird omni-vectored drone platform that's shaped like an elongated spheroid.
Militaries send new and altered aircraft designs on test flights all the time. Eventually they alter the testing bounds and other people are more likely to see them. Pulsejets make interesting sounds and funny contrails. Advances in fly by wire and control surface placement allow aircraft profiles that look like they shouldn't be able to fly, like flat triangles. I'll bet you'll hear about a hypersonic attack aircraft being the hero of some war in ten years, like you did the nighthawk in desert storm. And probably some weird omni-vectored drone platform that's shaped like an elongated spheroid.[/QUOTE

The one that gets me thinking, is the reports from pilots who were almost in a collision with a translucent sphere with a cube inside that shot straight up and into the heavens
Well considering all that has transpired in the last year, I'm not surprised at all. Look at it this way, if we are invaded by space aliens, maybe we will stop fighting among ourselves.;)
I'd ask them what metal detector do they use and what they think is the best then ask them to take my x wife for a ride far far away!

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This is one interesting thread! I side with the "not true" side of the gang, if they do I'll only get a "I told you so".

Looky this, you can get an alien costume for 27 bucks. Worth the investment for someone seeking attention for a few seconds on tic tac or whatever.

Screenshot 2021-05-04 8.46.25 AM.jpg
Sounds like you've got a great neighborhood on your hands. :laughing:

Oh, this is a great neighborhood. Just don't mind the half a dozen camera around the house and triple military-grade deadbolts on every door. The mailbox has a lock that the mailman only knows. They just ripped the whole thing open!

Josh :lol:
Oh, this is a great neighborhood. Just don't mind the half a dozen camera around the house and triple military-grade deadbolts on every door. The mailbox has a lock that the mailman only knows. They just ripped the whole thing open!

Josh :lol:

Wow, Josh I really hope in your area your family does not have to deal with any of that anti-Asian violence I heard about on the news a while back, it's very sad that anyone would target random individuals simply based on their ethnic background. Not that you would want theft or property damage for any reason, but you would prefer it's just general mischief rather than targeted.
Wow, Josh I really hope in your area your family does not have to deal with any of that anti-Asian violence I heard about on the news a while back, it's very sad that anyone would target random individuals simply based on their ethnic background. Not that you would want theft or property damage for any reason, but you would prefer it's just general mischief rather than targeted.

Nope, don't worry, we have very good neighbors and they even have a "stop Asian hate" sign on their lawn. The only "scums" that come arrive at night and are only for cars and stuff. The car is in the garage, everything is safe. :thumbsup:

Back on topic, no, I didn't see any aliens stealing Mr. Meows (neighborhood stray cat) :D

I'm not sure I'm totally sold on aliens, but then again, I never thought I would believe in ghosts either. Then a friend sent me this picture šŸ˜¬
View attachment 484211
I thoroughly believe this is an anomaly. Sure someone will come along and try to downplay it, but this was caught on a motion detection camera. His phone alerts him whenever movement is detected. Plus some of the other evidence he showed me in person was enough to make me really question it. So I would say, anything is possible! :lol:
I'm interested in the other evidence as the paranormal fascinate me for some reason.
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