To you pop bottle guys


Full Member
Sep 22, 2023
Went to an estate sale Saturday. In the old out building I found a bunch of these bottles. Are they worth anything? I can buy them for 50 cents each. I don't have much interest in them myself but if the have a resale value I might pick them up. The sale is over until this weekend again. She let me metal detect the yard before sale starts again Thursday.
Big Chief, Frostier, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Grapette, Nehi, Love, Mountain Dew, etc. No bar codes on any of them.

The ones I value most there are the 50's red/white Pepsi, Big Chief. Mountain Dew with "It'll tickle" spiel (1960s) and the Newgrape light green one. As in everything, though, it depends on what somebody likes. Most there are $5 or less, but the Big Chief could get a little more. Maybe the Nugrape too. Also depends on condition, geographical location and...condition. Any painted (ACL) bottles with faded paint are pretty much recyclables. On that orange and white labeled green 7-up, watch for 8 bubble versions (3 bubbles on the left side of label instead of the usual 2). Those, people seem to want. Also the Mountain Dews with "Bottled by" ...and two names are desirable if good condition.
Chuckle. I went here expecting to see bullet and round bottoms that traveled to market in the hulls of ships. I may yet have a couple packed away.
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