Need some advice

Donnie Gillman

New Member
Oct 16, 2024
I have a Vanquish 340 but looking for a second detector. I hunt mostly parks and schools my thoughts was to get the 540 pro for the coils v12 and v8. Or should I go with my second pick which is the xterra pro. I'm keeping the 340 for back up or for my son to use help please.
First off welcome to the forum Donnie. Good to have ya here. You're gonna get a lot of recommendations I'm quite sure. From what you wrote you have already done some research on the other detectors. So, I'll ask you, what does your gut tell you. You just may have already answered your own question. They are all viable machines and would serve you well. Good luck.
Well I like the vdi on the vanquish but I'm pulled to try the xterra pro. I know both are good but would like some more features. So if I went with the xterra I would have more features plus the 340 for multi iq so both work together.
I have/had many detectors from simple one knob to a manticore. I am trying to get down to 3-4.. and am keeping the above two and my 540. The choice of detector all depends on you. It’s nice to have the same detector as your partner. Me and my buds wouldn’t own (sold) a Xterra pro but some like them.
If I went with the 540 pro I would have both v12 and v8. And plus the 340 with the v10 so I maybe better off going with the 540. Like the old saying go's more is not always better it all depends on how you use what you have.
Why go from multi frequency (340) to single ((x terra pro)?
A lot depends on if you want to go in the water.
If that is not important i would lean to the 540. If it is important you might consider the Nokta Score.

I have had the 540, x terra pro, Score and many more. Keeping my eyes out for a great deal on a 440.
I have/had many detectors from simple one knob to a manticore. I am trying to get down to 3-4.. and am keeping the above two and my 540. The choice of detector all depends on you. It’s nice to have the same detector as your partner. Me and my buds wouldn’t own (sold) a Xterra pro but some like them.
I have all three. Love them all for different reasons. One thing I am surprised at is depth with the 540 and 12 inch coil. Find myself digging much deeper targets. To the point where I think it's not fun.
Why go from multi frequency (340) to single ((x terra pro)?
A lot depends on if you want to go in the water.
If that is not important i would lean to the 540. If it is important you might consider the Nokta Score.

I have had the 540, x terra pro, Score and many more. Keeping my eyes out for a great deal on a 440.
I was thinking about about water hunting. But then again I live in louisiana and don't want to be gater food lol 🙃
I have all three. Love them all for different reasons. One thing I am surprised at is depth with the 540 and 12 inch coil. Find myself digging much deeper targets. To the point where I think it's not fun.
So how do you like the 8 inch coil. I have be thinking about the 440 but I could always get a 8 inch coil. The 10 is the happy medium coil and not to heavy.
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