CoinStar is being more productive than Hunting as of Late


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May 25, 2011
Olympia, Washington
With the heat wave we have been having around Washington State for the past 1 - 1 1/2 months, ground fishing has been very hard....but my CoinStar addiction is paying off. Over the period referenced, I have pulled 4 silver dimes, and yesterday's "jackpot" was a pair of 1964 Washington and Rosie.

I always find my CoinStar silver mixed with an appreciable number of clad quarters. Yesterday it was about $2.90 in clad with the 2 silver coins.


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Forgive my ignorance, but how does Coinstar machine hunting work? Aren't those deposit only?
Forgive my ignorance, but how does Coinstar machine hunting work? Aren't those deposit only?

Yes, though they do have a reject coins that the machine doesn't recognize for whatever reason are rejected. Coinstar machines reject silver coins......:cool:
Nice silver duo! My son got a silver Wash a month or so ago, I bought it off him :lol: Sometimes he beats me to the CS.

I have found multiple silvers a couple of times in the past but it is a rare thing. The most I have ever found in the reject tray was 3 coins...Washington, Rosie and a War Nickel at the same time, intermixed with clad.
Nice grab on the pair of 64's. Coinstars have been slower than usual here lately and I'm still waiting for the first Coinstar silver of 2022. I average around 7-8 silvers a year from Coinstar with the personal best of 20 back about 5 years ago. The way it's going I may not get any. :mad:
This is weird. Because 3 weeks ago I found the same thing. Only the clad total was $1.53. Have'nt bothered posting because other than that , mine are bare. Always have to check. Nice job !
Wow, I didn't know they rejected silver coins. I always check the rejection tray. A couple of years ago, I got some Mexican silver coins, couple of Canadian dimes, several state tax tokens, and a coin good for a free pack of cigarettes. All in the same haul. It is awfully hot to be dirt fishing here in TN, but the CoinStars have had slim pickings lately.
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