battle of atlanta

  1. maxxkatt

    using google earth with civil war maps overlay images

    I am using Union created maps of 1864 of the Confederate and Union positions around Atlanta. I usually find three reference points like confluences of two creeks to adjust the Civil War Maps to Google Earth. I am just wondering how accurate these will show the fortifications on the overlay of...
  2. maxxkatt

    great Civil War picture

    This is how they got things across rivers. They were not dummies back in the Civil War. Just think about it. In the summer of 1864 General Sherman commanded 100,000 troops and moved them from Tennessee down through georgia all the while confederate generals Johnston and Hood did their best to...
  3. maxxkatt

    research question for finding civil war relics

    I am doing research on current locations of civil war union and confederate army positions in the battle of Atlanta. My question when a division was located at encampments, battles or creek or river crossings about home much area on the ground would they occupy. Same question for an Army Corp or...
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