I have a question.

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chris kennedy

Elite Member
Apr 9, 2014
Good ol golden state,Formerly Colorado,New Mexico,
As of recently I have given a lot of thought towards joining the military specifically the navy.Since I like the ocean and ships so it would be a good fit for me. I was wondering if you guys think it's a good idea or if their are any navy veterans on here that might be able to tell me more about it.
As of recently I have given a lot of thought towards joining the military specifically the navy.Since I like the ocean and ships so it would be a good fit for me. I was wondering if you guys think it's a good idea or if their are any navy veterans on here that might be able to tell me more about it.

Just be sure you can kill someone. This is my dads destroyer taking out someone the easy way. The boat was trying to run down some Cubans in the water. They won't be trying it ever again:lol:


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Here's the guys coming aboard the destroyer that they rescued.


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As of recently I have given a lot of thought towards joining the military specifically the navy.Since I like the ocean and ships so it would be a good fit for me. I was wondering if you guys think it's a good idea or if their are any navy veterans on here that might be able to tell me more about it.

when I first started to read your thread I thought you were asking
if a navy ship stops at any ports that you can metal detect.
but any way if you want to get off the beaten path, . I was in the navy during the Viet Nam war. served on two different war ships in the west pacific.
had some good times, and the u.s. military pays for everything; medical,dental,3 meals a day,etc,etc. my opinion GO FOR IT !!
when I first started to read your thread I thought you were asking
if a navy ship stops at any ports that you can metal detect.
but any way if you want to get off the beaten path, . I was in the navy during the Viet Nam war. served on two different war ships in the west pacific.
had some good times, and the u.s. military pays for everything; medical,dental,3 meals a day,etc,etc. my opinion GO FOR IT !!

Yep, my uncle was in the military I passed joining by him he said go for it too. Of course he was a General I am pretty sure he was in the military during Vietnam. His names Jay Trinca
Hey man. I was in the Army for five years and did a combat tour in Iraq in 2004-2005.

The Military is an awesome way to do something amazing with your life. You meet people you will be friends with for life. Not just friends, but brothers and sisters. All those people from school you promised to stay in touch with are nothing compared to the life long connections you will form with fellow soldiers.

You can travel to some really cool places. And like said above, you can't beat the benefits of a decent salary, full medical and they pay for you to travel around basically. In my opinion, the small amount of things you have to do or put up with, is more than worth what you get out of it. I severely regret getting out, I'd be close to retirement if I hadn't.

My advice to you is to research all branches of the military before you make a decision. Talk to veterans and recruiters of all branches, find people who had jobs that line up with your interests and goals. Some branches may offer better training in an area you like.

I'd say the fact that you are asking if you should join the military would put the Marines and Army out of the mix, simply because those two branches could be categorized as a little more "hardcore". Most people who join those branches know they want to join the military long before signing on the line. If you want the military experience than the Navy and Air Force are the way to go.

If I could go back I would have joined the Air Force.

Good luck dude,

I'm not a veteran and have the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform.
However, I have known a good number of those that have served and can't think of one who's been in the Navy that has said he/she regretted it.
It's a big decision and I wish you the best.
I always sorta thought/regretting never joining. A bit here and there. Knew some friends that did. Read a lot on Vietnam and WWII, some crazy stuff. Wish they weren't sending troops into Liberia - my semi-random thought.

To me, the world is going somewhere fast in a handbasket.

Having skills is important.

Wish you the best in wherever you end up!
i thought i had to go to that recruitment office but apparently i can join up online. :)

No, you can't "join up" online!!!!!

If you are serious about a stint in the military, check out all branches.

Regardless of what a recruiter will tell you, an E-1 for example gets the same base pay matter what branch.....

All branches offer the same education incentives......

What do you want to do in the military?

Do you want a say in the matter, or do you want someone to pick your speciality for you?

Do your research/homework.

If the recruiter can't show you something in writing, such as in an Army Regulation for example, I would be very, very wary of the recruiter.....

Good luck, no matter what you do.
i thought i had to go to that recruitment office but apparently i can join up online. :)
that's great. when I enlisted ,there were no computers. oh and just something to think
about. with all the conflicts going on in the world, I believe the navy is the safest branch
to be in. unless your a gung ho MFer.
I was never in the military, dad was and discouraged me. I think it was a mistake that I listened to him. But I was 16 and we were leaving Vietnam.

That said, I think you should sign up. Not because you like ships and water. On a very large one, I'm guessing it wouldn't be the same. Dad was on the Christy Pane in WW2 and it was a great experience for him, at 14 years old. His parents signed the papers and he lied about his age. He traveled to places he ever knew existed and talked about it for many years afterward.
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