Pro-Pointer Lying on the Ground


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2013
Last weekend, I noted that if I left my pointer lying on the ground while on, it would slowly start making noise. I just turned it off and restarted it, but I wonder if this is normal. Anyone else notice something like this?
Mine does that shortly after I turn it on. Happens too often anymore. Must be say it's time to visit it's family at Garrett's repair center...
That is normal. The GPP is always doing a balance, which is why I always flip it off and back one. It kinda depends on how long yours lays on the ground before going chatty. Thirty seconds of laying on the ground doesn't bother mine. But I still generally toggle mine off and back on before laying it down by nature. If it does begin chatter, I just do an off and on again.

Yea, it is normal. martin
Just in case you hadn't discovered it. I will often put mine down and set it on top of metal on the surface or just under the surface of the grass. Happens a lot with coin spills.

The only time my propointer gets wonky is when the battery gets low.
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