Ctx 3030 17 inch elliptical coil depth?

coin whisperer

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2013
Hey guys I'm trying to sweet talk the wife into getting me one for christmas. I think it will possibly find some deeper coins in my old park that I may be missing with the stock coil. I usually can run at manual 28 there so how much depth can I realistically expect to gain?

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Hey guys I'm trying to sweet talk the wife into getting me one for christmas. I think it will possibly find some deeper coins in my old park that I may be missing with the stock coil. I usually can run at manual 28 there so how much depth can I realistically expect to gain?

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not a whole lot IMHO, maybe 3" tops. The 17" coil is more for covering a lot of ground and is definitely a worthy tool for the arsenal. Again, just my opinion.

I have the 17" coil and love it!
I have considered getting the large coil, but I have heard some say they have pinpointing issues with the big coils. I have absolutely no problem with the stock coil which I run most of the time on my CTX but was wondering if the big coil would be much different. Thanks for posting this CW, I'm interested to see the discussion.
If I can up to 3 inches then I'm gonna get one. I can only imagine the coins just out of reach that I could find with the bigger coil. It will be interesting to test out

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I have considered getting the large coil, but I have heard some say they have pinpointing issues with the big coils. I have absolutely no problem with the stock coil which I run most of the time on my CTX but was wondering if the big coil would be much different. Thanks for posting this CW, I'm interested to see the discussion.

pinpointing is a breeze with the large coil.
Just ask the guy with five inches of depth and the guy with eight inches of depth. And see what the guy with five inches wants. :heartylaugh:
figured, where I'm hunting the park where I found the seated and barbers is not trashy so I could use it there

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Well guys I ordered the 17 inch sat night and I should be receiving it tomorrow. I can't wait to test it out at the park where I found the old silvers!
So I took the 17" coil out on her maiden voyage and I love it! I have no idea why people say its heavy to hunt with. I hunted with it for two hours and it was just like using the stock coil. I found a lot of targets due to more ground coverage in a short amount of time. Its like I can cover double the amount of ground in half the time that it would take me on the stock coil and a bonus of extra depth. So a 2 hour hunt with the 17 is like hunting 4 hours with the stock coil. More ground covered per hunt means more chances of finding good stuff!
I'd find out how it is on smaller coins because sometimes large coils which might increase depth on large objects actually lose sensitivity to small items and some coins. I'd consider a 17in more of a cache hunting or relic hunting coil than a coin hunting coil, unless its a trash free site with few targets.
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