1865 Button?

Dave in PC

Forum Supporter
Jan 26, 2011
Phenix City AL/Columbus GA
Hit a couple of schools this morning in small town about 20 miles from home. Not much to brag about, found $2.69 in clad, a cool girls hair clip and a old looking button that has 1865 stamped on it.. I have my doubts it is that old but the stamping does not look modern..If any one has any ideas please let me know.. Thanks for looking and HH


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Dave have you found a value for your button? This is the one I have. I live near the Musgrove Mills Historic Site in South Carolina. I'm not exactly sure but I think that it is actually from the Civil War Era. For both of us from the South to find one in the ground, kinda confirms that they are that Old. Ya Think?
EddiMac, that is sooo cool that you found the identical button.. I have not found out any additional information on it as of yet.. My google searches did not turn up anything...maybe someone on the forum will ID them for us.. Thanks for the post.
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my 1 year old daughter dug the same button out of the ground yesterday i live in whittier north carolina 3 miles from the cherokee indian reservation how cool is that.
Miller.. That i really cool so far we have 3 of the.. I contacted American Digger magazine to see about getting an ID on the button.. Here is what they said

I have never seen this button before, so I forwarded it to William Leigh, our button expert. To me,. it looks like one of the iron pants buttons that we occasionally dig out of Civil War & pre-Civil War site, almost always 4-holes, iron, occasionally pewter or copper, & about 5/8" diameter.

William Leigh responded to me last night and included is his comment on the item. He has seen and handled about as many buttons as anyone in the hobby.

Hello, I bought one off ebay within the month...had not seen one before and wanted to examine. I don't know how old they are...I guess we will know soon, if they keep turning up!
I also just found one of these 1865 buttons. It was in a field next to a school in Chalybeate, MS. The school was founded in 1889.
We found a button that is exactly identical to the 1865 button last year. It was in a field in Illinois. Would love to know more about it if anyone gets information.
Cool button...I'll be interested in seeing what info turns up on it. I also live in Alabama so I guess it's not out of the questions I may find one too.
1865 button

My son dug up this exact same button today at his school on the playground. We would really like to know if it is from the civil war era and how much it's worth. Have you learned anything more about it? We live in Southern Oklahoma.
Found the same button last week hunting the football field of a middle school near me. It had me stumped for sure b/c it looks old but I found mine at barely 3 inches. This area is well known for a Civil War battle so who knows. Still have my doubts, though.
I just found one of these buttons about an hour ago in Athens AL. Wanted to look it up and found myself here. First post- hello everyone.
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