What movie...


Full Member
Jan 20, 2016
Decatur, AL
...do you have to stop and watch every time you find it on tv? For me it is Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl. Really any of the Pirates movies, but especially that one. I just watched it again last night for the umpteenth time :grin:
My wife will watch The Fifth Element every time it comes on, on Netflix now so I am lucky it is not on 24/7 around here.
I know all the mistakes and errors.
She also loves Hellboy, all of them.
I guess I am the girl of the group because even though I love tons of sci find and other types every time You've Got Mail comes on I have to watch it for some reason.
Full Metal Jacket and what I can't figure out is why, I have it on DVD and can watch it without the cuts and commercials.
"Its a Wonderful Life" and "The Notebook" when my Wife is around...

"Slingblade", "Transformers", or "Battleship" on bingo night and I'm here all alone and unattended...:laughing:
"Its a Wonderful Life" and "The Notebook" when my Wife is around...

"Slingblade", "Transformers", or "Battleship" on bingo night and I'm here all alone and unattended...:laughing:


I just made my wife watch Slingblade last Thursday night. She said, "This movie is so slow but I KNOW something is going to happen."

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