What do you dig with? Lesche, Hori Hori, Etc...?

Fiskars. :)

I have pried some pretty tough things with this. Not broken yet and solid as they day I got it. Plus they have a LIFETIME warranty. So go ahead and break it. They give you a new one. $7 Fleet Farm.

The Lesche appeal, I believe, is that you get more leverage the way the handle is configured.


Definatly need a dependable digger, nothing like being a few hrs from home and digger breaks. I use hori-hori that has been abused for 3 yrs and still going strong. I also have a Predator 31c.
What I had been using before switching over to beach detecting, was a serrated kitchen knife that I would cut the plug with and a hard-plastic hand shovel to pull the plug up, I think it worked pretty well considering how hard the dirt can be around here.
What do I do???

I just got this in the mail today from Amazon and I put it on the floor and applied some pressure to feel the handle out. SNAP! I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT BROKE SO EASY! Looking closer, it looks like there was some corrosion. I'm beyond frustrated. Should I contact Fiskars, Amazon, or both? I was excited to start using this, happy it broke in my house and not on the dirt where I could have dug my knuckles into some rocks or something...
Here's some pictures;

- Aaron
I just got this in the mail today from Amazon and I put it on the floor and applied some pressure to feel the handle out. SNAP! I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT BROKE SO EASY! Looking closer, it looks like there was some corrosion. I'm beyond frustrated. Should I contact Fiskars, Amazon, or both? I was excited to start using this, happy it broke in my house and not on the dirt where I could have dug my knuckles into some rocks or something...
Here's some pictures;

- Aaron

I always wondered how they were put together! Maybe not all of them are as Tough as the 2 I have. I tried to break mine and gave up. I would contact amazon and see if they will ship you a new one.
Just chatted with Amazon online, they are sending a replacement. Hopefully it doesn't fall apart like this one! Should I contact Fiskars too? Or would that be dishonest? I may just email them to ask for changes to design.

I would contact Fiskars too. Not to get a replacement since Amazon is doing that but rather to let them know they have a design flaw. Maybe..just maybe.. if they get thousands of complaints they might look at a re-design. I cut my handle off and welded a piece of pipe on mine. made the weld go full circumference. Then slipped a new soft rubber grip on- works great and am confident won't be breaking now. You'd be surprised how little that '+' pattern accually goes into handle.. not even half way if I recall.
Tried many different shovels, trowels, knives, diggers...then bought a Lesche and that was that. I have put that thing through hell and it's still kickin butt! :D
I dig with my fingers lol jk
I use a walmart special garden trowel. Piranha 35 or the Little eagle 58 my new edition.

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