Those Who Lose Interest?

For me it's those dang responsibilities that keep getting in the way :p When I'm actually off of work, I've got a house to upkeep or a lawn to mow or kids to pick up and when that's all said and done, I hear from the wifey that I never spend enough time with her. Uggggh. Shoot me. :doah:
^This^ !!!!

I...I think detecting is just a fun, peaceful escape from the daily grind. It is for me anyway.
^This Too^ !!!!
Not everybody is going to have the same zeal or commitment. But anybody who WANTS to go out detecting will find a way......somehow. Everybody is different though. Some of us stick with it even when the going gets tough , some gradually lose interest.
I've found that my drive behind my detecting has changed with age. I used to be the typical obsessed go getter who would be out swinging whenever I had time. I would concentrate hard on the best places to increase the odds of good finds. Today I'm far more kicked back in my hunting. Love to hunt and do it a lot but just not as dedicated. Some times on a nice day when I would normally be out hunting I'll decided to take one of my cars for a drive instead.

I've just found so much in my 40 years of hunting that there are very few things left on my wish list. That darn first silver dollar and a flying eagle are my bucket list finds. Now I just enjoy getting out and swinging a detector. If I find something good it's just icing on the cake.

Now gold hunting is a whole different ballgame. I take my gold hunting very serious.
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When the ground is hard as concrete and I can't see for the sweat running into my eyes.. I loose interest real quick...
I hunt with Martin most Sunday mornings. But when it's mid summer in Texas that is where I draw the line. But I work 5 days a week in the heat in the summer so the last thing I want is to be in the heat on my weekend.

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