The ugliest merc I've ever unearthed

Looks like your merc was in a fire... I was out plowing the 7 inches of snow we got last night until early this morning... I love the money I make but hate the hours I have to keep ;)

Very nice finds!!! Old house site?

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Congrats on the great finds !
A Merc is still a Merc - fire damage or under driveway stone for many years ?

Thanks fellas! I foubd this merc in a wooded section that was once part of a campground. Now its a public park and apparently wasn't scanned very well. I'm guessing it was accidently thrown in the fire, although it could have been intentional...ive now found 18 wheats one injun and the 2 silvers out there in about 5 hours hunting, another hunting buddy has found 3 silver coins as well, so its gunna take some time going through this place, its pretty big too, mostly woods now though. Happy hunting out there!
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