Silver Junkies


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2010
North DFW, TX
After many hunts with lots of work, but no old coins, then one silver pops up.

Doesn't that give you enough energy right at that moment of seeing that one silver in the hole after many dry hunts?

It's like a drug, face it...we are silver junkies
Heck ya it's got me buying silver bouillon with the clad I find detecting. To add to my silver coins found detecting. Man this hobby is addicting the hook sunk deep.
Yeah! For some reason, finding silver or gold makes me all 'tingly' in my nether regions!! Sometimes I get so dizzy I have to have to sit down for a while, or find a portapotty...I'm sure its the same for all of us right? Right?:laughing:
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If it gets really too bad...... :laughing::laughing::laughing:
I had a gentleman(?) tell a couple who did not know me that he thought that I was addicted to metal detecting.

He was wrong I Am Not Addicted. I can quit any time I want to. I just do not want to quit.

I love the thrill when a silver coin or a piece of gold comes out of hiding.
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