Severe canker sore - maximum pain. Remedies?

The salt water gargle works on cuts. If it is an actual canker sore get Kanka. You can find it in your pharmacy. I guarantee you it will work. Been using it for years.

Have you been drinking milk? :lol:

My wife had a bad one a while back and Kanka worked well for her. I haven't had one in a really long time, but I remember the saltwater solution working for me. Good luck, canker sores suck.
My wife used to have trouble with canker sores when she was under stress.
Here is what works for her.

Lysine. This supplement is available at most pharmacies and medicine sections where they sell vitamins. It helps your body kill off the virus.

OTC remedies like Cankaid.
(Ether really works quick but is unfortunately unavailable unless your Dr. is open minded enough to give it a try. Swab it on with a Q-tip.)

De-stress. Many times this is the primary cause.

The moment she feels a irritation on her lip, she is quick to increase the lysine and apply Cankaid. Stress is a tough part to manage. She hasn't had a bad outbreak in many years.
All the above are good remedies , but I also add a good mouth rinse with listerine atleast once a day. I get canker sores now and then and they are very painful. To my knowledge they are usually caused by an infection , and since the human mouth is loaded with bacteria anything you can do to reduce it can either help prevent the sores or help to speed up the healing of them. Unfortunately there is no miracle cure and letting it run its course is ultimately the only "cure". Believe it or not though , tobasco sauce or hot peppers can help dull the pain.
Have you been drinking milk? :lol:

My wife had a bad one a while back and Kanka worked well for her. I haven't had one in a really long time, but I remember the saltwater solution working for me. Good luck, canker sores suck.

Kanka is like novacaine without the needle. :lol:
Hey Bonesquat. How is the canker sore treating you today? Did you try any of the suggestions that were offered?
I always just use listerine. Hold in your mouth till it numbs the spot, and its cleans it out too. Repeat when it hurts again.
Get a bottle of this and invite me over, you can watch me drink all of it, oops wait a minute that won't help you any...... but would surely make me feel better :grin:.


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L-Lysine (over the counter at Walmart..) will work very fast (it's tablet form..) Used to use it a bit due to stress at a job I had, then my wife said just leave.. did and no more canker sores...

All the best..
Cold sores

I have been plagued by these and cranker sores all my life. If you want to stop them quit eating any citrus fruit (lemons oranges, pineapple, grapefruit) pickles, tomatoes. or the juice from any of the above. There is not much you can do for an inside the mouth canker sore, but let it pass. However on the lip or anywhere outside the mouth use cortisone several times a day.

Most of the people that get these sores have ancestors from Northern Europe and have blue eyes. People like this don't need very much citrus acid in there system, and if they get to much: Cold sores, and Canker sores will develop..... Beware
Just kidding!

I have the canker sore from he!!. Also a spot on my tongue that's complete agony when anything touches it, including air, water, and all forms of mater. I bit my lip a few days ago and this must be the worst canker I've ever had. Any good tips from you guys?

Orange juice and spaghetti!

Canker sores are caused by too much acid in your system. One thing that helps is something like Tums or Rolaids. Bite into and crush up one tablet. Put the crushed part between your lip and gums on the canker sore. Keep wetting it with your saliva and replacing it. It will neutralize some of the acid and help it heal faster. Oh yea, you can also use baking soda but it tastes gross!
I have been plagued by these and cranker sores all my life. If you want to stop them quit eating any citrus fruit (lemons oranges, pineapple, grapefruit) pickles, tomatoes. or the juice from any of the above. There is not much you can do for an inside the mouth canker sore, but let it pass. However on the lip or anywhere outside the mouth use cortisone several times a day.

Most of the people that get these sores have ancestors from Northern Europe and have blue eyes. People like this don't need very much citrus acid in there system, and if they get to much: Cold sores, and Canker sores will develop..... Beware

Not sure where my ancestors are from exactly. Family rumors suggest Ireland and some other European countries - pretty much like the rest of Americans. We're all muts. I've had issues with cankers my whole life - this one was from a bite. I do know that. I had been taking some vitamin or something to prevent the cankers and it works until I bite my dumb lip...Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

Going to try a few more suggestions. :D
Just a little information for you to think about.

Kanka active ingredients are 20% Benzocaine. Kanka ingredients

Orajel active ingredients are 15% Benzocaine and 2% Menthol. Orajel

Both form a film to stop the air and citric acids from attacking the nerves.

Benzocaine belongs to a group of medicines known as topical local anesthetics. It deadens the nerve endings in the skin

If it hurts, I would use Orajel... Just more stuff for your buck. Whats 5% when your putting it on at your own amount.

If you want to dry it out and kill any bacteria - salt water.

I have never used alum as a medicine, but have put it in when making pickles and sauerkraut.

A shot of whiskey deadens the nerves at command central. :cool:
Listerine numbs mouth sores for me!

If that didn't work I would use Oragel to numb it. Oragel is similar to topical lidocaine. Lidocaine is what you are actually getting injected with nowadays when a doctor or dentist is injecting you with "novacaine."

That and topical zinc like those lozenges or gummies I used to get for colds.
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