Odd VDI Nox 800

....In the lower right corner of the the utility you should see 3 small dots. Click on them and a dropdown box should appear, giving you the option of restoring your detector to previous versions of the software...

Oh, that's right. I forgot it had that option.
Just to keep ya'll posted... Went to Minelab and took my Nox back to 1.7.5 Turned it off. Did a FP. Then did the 2.0 update again.

Went out and did an airtest. Merk dimes at 3 inches rang up 22-24
Then ran a silver quarter at 3 inches. It rang up a solid 22

Went back inside and put my Nox back to 1.7.5
Same Merk Dime rang up 25-26
Same Silver Quarter rang up 31-32

Going to stay with old software. Let me know if they fix the new one. May try it then...
Default Park 1 air tests at 3 inches. Only thing I did was noise cancel. Of course, air tests are limited because mineralization and other soil conditions can exaggerate what appear to be small or no difference in air tests. I often get wheats and memorials hitting as high as 30 in the ground. Still, it's interesting to compare and contrast.

I hightlighted in green where I think the coin was air testing in the one or two number range as it should. If it air test across three numbers it didn't get green. If it consistently and more or less evenly bounced between two numbers, and one of those numbers was unusual/undesireable, such as 14s on nickels or 26 on memorial pennies, then no green.


-the first software version. Not only can it not hit a silver half dollar on edge or angle, but many coins jump as much as three numbers under ideal 3" air test conditions. In Multi-freq you can see that mercs bounce too low and zinc too high.

-the 2nd and 3rd versions are very similar and could be the same. Small differences in how I was holding the coin could have been the difference. Still, the newest software does seem a bit more stable in Multi-freq. On the other hand, it didn't seem to hit silver quite as hard. The Merc is at 25, which put it in the memorial copper cent range. The silver half never went up to 34 and the silver GW never went to 31. I did like how the Indian head cent maintained a solid 19, which kept it just below zinc.

I'm going to try leaving it on 1.75 for a few hunts. The two number jumpy vdi doesn't bother me if it is emphasizing silver and not over emphasizing copper and nickels stay where they should. I feel like I was digging more old rusty nails with the newest version with either iron bias option, and bottle caps just aren't that big of a deal where I normally dig. Plus, I'm not yet sure what the trade off might be with that bottle cap cancelling audio.


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Good post, I've also went back to 1.75...I just sensed a loss in performance after the 2.0 upgrade. Really had no complaints about 1.75.
Makes me jealous at times how US coinage can be dug by numbers.
I have to dig by tone and quality of signal, can't go by numbers as just too many variables in our coinage, eg to same size/thickness/weighted coins can vary by several numbers on the TID
It's also interesting that none of your coinage falls below TID 11 or so, whereas much of the silver coins i hunt are below a TID of 10.
This one reads a solid 7 on the Nox.


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After listening to everyone's comments Im thinking it mostly comes down to the fact that this new technology is trying to give us as accurate a display number as it can , but being that it is also reading every piece of metal in the ground how can it give us accurate numbers or at least consistent numbers for whats down there when the contents and combinations of contents are continuosly changing from inch to inch and target to target .
One coin might be a 23 because there is a nail close by but next time it may read 25 because there is no nail or there's a nail and a pop top . Constant changing combinations ...........
There's no way to get away from it ...
What do you guys think ??
After listening to everyone's comments Im thinking it mostly comes down to the fact that this new technology is trying to give us as accurate a display number as it can , but being that it is also reading every piece of metal in the ground how can it give us accurate numbers or at least consistent numbers for whats down there when the contents and combinations of contents are continuosly changing from inch to inch and target to target .
One coin might be a 23 because there is a nail close by but next time it may read 25 because there is no nail or there's a nail and a pop top . Constant changing combinations ...........
There's no way to get away from it ...
What do you guys think ??

Key to multi freq nox,,,, run iron bias at 0 or no more than 1. Don't disk out anything but iron. Balance and turn on auto GB. I set up custom tone bins on my 800 so that nickel range and ID 18 up sound good. Work the coil slowly (do not whip the coil like a deus user would) listen for good tone (even if just a peep) if you hear a peep, investigate further by finding the tone hot spot then warble the coil tightly and see if the tone somewhat is repeatable. IF it does try circling the target it might get even better. Then pay attention to ID if you see ID's that good (even if only briefly) , it might be bouncy but if you see good numbers bouncing in with the good tone dig. The tone does not have to be rock solid either. You will dig a few trash targets but my recovery is 70 percent good while doing this.
After listening to everyone's comments Im thinking it mostly comes down to the fact that this new technology is trying to give us as accurate a display number as it can , but being that it is also reading every piece of metal in the ground how can it give us accurate numbers or at least consistent numbers for whats down there when the contents and combinations of contents are continuosly changing from inch to inch and target to target .
One coin might be a 23 because there is a nail close by but next time it may read 25 because there is no nail or there's a nail and a pop top . Constant changing combinations ...........
There's no way to get away from it ...
What do you guys think ??

What Trashfinder said
What I have learned : I have the 1.75. My friend has the 2.0. We hunt beaches. Mineralization changes constantly. I just don't trust the #s. I have found quarters that go from 14-34. Once out of the hole it's a solid 29-30. I go by the tones and sound. If it is small and solid I dig it. I'm constantly going in and out of the horseshoe. At first preferring all metal mode , with the threshold on. I want to hear everything. I think my friend is missing and passing over some finds. But his 2.0 does help on the bottlecaps. I still dig alot of trash. But I like being able to not dig the obvious iron. I got a nice gold band that went from 14 to a -5. But the sound was still solid. It's weird , I really like this machine and I'm a dig all type of guy. Lots of variables when on the beach. Just don't trust the numbers. They give me an IDEA of the target may be. I'm still going to hold off on the update after reading this. Hopefully they will figure out a better update.
as one user said, "it is very annoying." Yes we can relearn or stay confused.

My main complaint about my 800 is the small TID spread of 40 segments. Same reason I will not even consider a new Vanquish. Ordered a Simplex+ with a nice 99 spread on the ID's. More like the AT Pro had.

just my personal preferences for a 99 division on the display.
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