new xt505


Elite Member
Jan 10, 2011
I just recieved a new minelabs 505 . I know it will take awhile to learn and use it properly. I laid out some metal , coins, silver and gold like manual said to see how detector works. On the metor , keys read 9 to 20, silver was at 42 to 45. when i hit the gold it was at 20 to 27. is this a normal range for gold rings. I hope this is not a stupid question but i'm learning. Hsa any one have experience setting up a xt505, any tips will be helpfull.:?:
Well I can tell you this, on a numbered ID scale the ID Number can vary from one item to the next, meaning not all gold ring up as one absolute number neither does silver.

The reason for varied responses is because of the % of silver and the % of metal it had added to it. Like for example a 10k Gold item could ID different then a 24K Gold item because of the difference in metals.

What I would do is grab some coins and do this:

Get a Nickel and run it over coil see what it reads
Get another (not same one) Nickel and run it over coil see what it reads
Get another (not same one) Nickel and run it over coil see what it reads

See where the different nickels land on your scale, you should see them land in relative same general area, do this with all coins and see what you come up with. (Understand some coins may respond different depending on year of coin)

Gold and Silver Jewelry can give readings all over the place and to try and pin them down to a single number would be futile, but if you get a high reading on something you might want to dig it up just to see what it is, could be a pop can, pulltab or could be a gold/silver ring never know its up to you to dig or not.
i have the same machine and yes thats right for gold
i found a gold wedding band rang up at 21
found a war nickle at about 8 inches so it goes kinda deep just a little whisper though
youll have it figured out in no time
good luck
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