mother nature is bipolar and needs medicated


Junior Member
Feb 24, 2024
York ,Lebanon,Lancaster county Pa
the temp swings of up to 20+ degrees from day to day and these winds are really starting to effect my body and mind as I'm getting older ...
sadly we can't buy a breeze in PA in the summer when its swamp azz season . I miss having 4 seasons over just winter to summer back to winter .can't wait to get the life insurance coming to me so i can retire and head to states with better climates for my heart failure
Montana is the same thing, only difference is we're either below freezing, or 90 degrees and hurricane force winds. 3 days ago it was 70 degrees and sunny. Today we got almost 2 inches of snow. I truly understand your pain. As soon as I found a new spot to detect that apparently has never been hit before judging by the crazy amount of coins and gold ring find within an hour.
Fortunate with our mild Georgia winters. What will be a cool front with lots of rain in Atlanta the storm seems to go up the coastal states and turn into epic snow storms up to the central or coastal states or both if it is a really big storm. About once every 3-4 years we get an inch of snow that totally shuts down everything in Atlanta because we don't have the road equipment to de-ice the roads. Back in 1981 we had 2" inches of snow at 3 pm. Most got stuck at work or at nearby businesses. There were power outages all night. All that was accomplished that night was there was a huge baby boom 9 months later that made its way through the years making larger class sizes as the 1982 babies move up their educational career.
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