metal ball


New Member
Feb 21, 2017
Hi all,

I found this metal ball while gardening in my backyard in Bethpage, on Long Island, NY, about 20 to 30 years ago and have always wondered about it.

Its circumference is 5" which I believe is a diameter of 1.59" (I used an online calculator so not sure if that is correct). It's very heavy, 8 oz, and rusty looking. Magnets stick to it.

Any ideas, assistance etc, would be appreciated!


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You may have to shrink down your picture size to fit on the page. that may be why it won't let you post. I'm located in Levittown must likely we have crossed paths around town.
I live in Lindenhurst now but my son lives in Levittown and my daughter just moved there so I'm there all the time.
Ball Mill

Could be from a ball mill, bunches of different size steel balls rattling around beating big things into little things. As the balls grew smaller in size they were sold for scrap and people carried them home.
I can't be sure but it looks like a cannon ball. Only thinking that from other pictures I've see on detecting forums
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