Legal to search for property markers for someone?

Be careful

I am a land surveyor in Colorado. If you are going to locate property pins do not take money for it. If you happen to find the wrong property pin and the owner uses this to build off of then you are liable for any costs associated with the survey. In Colorado it is illegal for someone who is not a surveyor or working for a surveyor to locate the corners and tell the owner that they are the corners. If you wish to locate them for yourself or a friend I guess it is okay but like I said at that point anything in error is now your responsibility. As the guy said surveyors or expensive but we also are held liable for up to ten years. This even includes having to go to court if someone moves the pin. Just be very careful get a plat and make sure of your measurements and DO NOT TAKE MONEY.
Ridiculous. Just do it! Or you could just spend your life getting paper work done...

Get notarized permission from all neighbors, all law enforcement heads, the mayor, the clergy, all the neighborhood children, then go run it by the city and county building inspectors just in case...

Who else can we ask?

Haha. I agree with you completely.
I have located them for property owners and have never had a problem. Most owners know pretty close to where the markers should be. They did buy the property and should have a clue. If they didn't, I wouldn't waste my time as it would take forever to find them without knowing roughly where they are. Once you know that, It's not rocket science and not worth paperwork.

Also not sure why receiving money would be a problem either. Anyone should know that an amateur locating these isn't a guaranty they are right, but that risk is on the homeowner, not you. If they want it professionally done, they will pay way more but that is their choice.
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