How to keep the mice out?

:rifle: or :gunbandanna: :lol:

i'd say try those bounce sheets. i've also read mice don't like the smell of aftershave lotion. get a bottle of cheap stuff and sprinkle some of all around the the inside walls of the garage. of course, your garage is going to be smelling freshly shaved, but it might work. :D
a lot of good ideas.. I'm going to use the spinning can in my shop..
I use a Rat Zapper with good results.. but the initial cost is around $30 and it runs on AA batteries.. I modded mine to run off a small battery charger .. 100% kill rate now.. In my camper... I use moth balls .
I've heard that crushed red peppers work also..just sprinkle around the ground and it keeps them and other pest away
Not mice related, but a really good one for snakes that I've been using for a few summers is moth-crystals and ordinary garden sulpher, both mixed together. Snakes work off their sense of smell mostly and when they get near this stuff, it scrambles the signals and they won't go near it. We used to have Blacks Racers come into the garage pretty often as well as timber rattlers every now and then. Usually in the Fall when they were looking for a den spot. This stuff has stopped it dead. I just keep some at both ends of the garage door where there's a small space they get in. I would fix the holes, but then it'd screw with the motion sensors on the garage door. Not sure if it'd work on mice, but thought I'd throw that in there.
Just half and half of moth-crystals and ordinary sulpher you buy in the garden section. The sulpher is used to adjust the ph in your soil. The moth crystals either come in the ball size or the crushed type. If you can't find the crushed type, just put it in a bucket and turn it into crystals with a hammer or piece of steel. Great stuff.
Oh beat me to it! I was going to suggest the beer can one. Works extremely well. Not the most humane way, but it does do its job very well.
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