Family Friendly Funny Photo Edits

I hope they at least get minimum wage !

Is Mud overworking his animals ? …..give them some breaks Mud ! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Sing along with Rocky !

Remember the old show "Sing Along with Mitch" ? …...well, Mud is entertaining the retirement community with his animal version ! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Muds circus

Looks like Mud's animals want to be famous :laughing::laughing::laughing:
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With Muds growing animal circus ready to tour , he may need a full time publicity agent to book his act on the nursing home circuit. He should make a killing since he can get away with paying them in peanuts , cracker jacks , and Mud pies. May be they will hit the bigger stops like Scuba Land , & Grumpa's Wild West park , and work their way up to America's Got Talent. :laughing::laughing:
I sure hope he uses indoor/outdoor marine carpeting !

Hey, what's Scuba been up to ? ……..he's figured a way to feel right at home even on his days off from diving ! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Mud's vehicle looks like a toy compared to yours !

Hey, what's David been up to ? …….is he and Mud stopping for fast food while looking for hunting spots ? :laughing::laughing::laughing:
That should get some attention on the road !

Hey, what's Ken been up to ? …….is the former pilot finding aviation style vehicles to ride ? :laughing::laughing::laughing:
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