ctx3030 battery problem


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Sep 20, 2015
North Atlanta, GA
Can a ctx3030 battery go bad by not being used for 4 years?

It won't seem to hold a charge now. Battery charger keeps flashing green light, charged way past 4 hour recommendation and no luck.

put in ctx3030 and get a few beeps and boops when I power CTX on and that is all. no screen light up.

CTX3030 works fine on the other battery pack with 8 akline AA batteries.

Update, charged overnight and it now shows a full charge when put into the CTX3030 and all works fine. Not sure why the long charge necessary, but that is ok.
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Litihum cells, if not stored properly can easily go bad after not being used for a long time, especially if they were stored empty or fully charged.

4 years is a long time to leave a lithium battery sitting in storge (I presume the CTX's primary battery is lithium).
Yes if not used they well discharge your pack voltage is correct 8.4 volts but since there is no capacity they have degraded (no capacity) you need new battery buy some panasonic lg or samsung stay away from cheap Chinese . sube
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