Coin Roll hunting coming to a stop?

There sometimes seems to be an attitude that banks operate as a non-profit public service. They are actually businesses that need to make a profit to stay in business. Ordering bulk coins costs them money. In some cases they may eat the costs, if you are a commercial account, or if you have a large personal account there, or if the vault teller likes you. But when a fad like CRHing gets going, they are going to do something to control the costs, like charging for the service.
KT still hopes CRHing does not end! He feels He has found the Royal Gravy Train to a silver horde by hunting halves and will not stop until the bank yells Uncle!

The Queen is wanting KT to order like $4000 a week, but KT is content to keeping it somewhat low tone at $2000 a week! Besides much more than that and He gets blisters from tearing open all those rolls! AND Royalty cannot be seen to have callused hands like the common working man! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
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