America's Least Wanted?

There’s a peculiar bias that some people have against those who try to get something for next to nothing. I got to thinking about this while watching Joan Rivers go on a rant about poker players (I guess her Vegas gigs carry some baggage). But similar sentiments are expressed about horse racing, sports betting, and our hobby.

Sometimes it’s communicated with words; more often, it’s a withering glare that lets us know we’re not going to make their Sexist Men Alive list. Occasionally we get challenged (“You’re tearing up the ground! I'm calling the police!”), but I’ve always suspected that any outrage over soil disruption was a pretext for their resentment at our possibly finding something for free that the other person wouldn't.

This irks me, particularly as I schedule my haunts so as to minimize interfering with school activities, sporting events, and other gatherings.

In all fairness, a vast majority of people are nice, or at least tolerant of my endeavors. But the exceptions really drag me down and leave me feeling like: Gimme a break, already.

What do you think? Are our critics *really* that concerned about the landscape? Or is there something else at work?

Banned: Your post is exactly why 90% of my hunting is done at night. So peaceful. So serene.
Exactly. I don't hunt at night but I nearly 100% hunt Cav camps etc. in 100 acre+ fields. Nothing but waves from the rare person I ever see.....

You got it. You can spend all your time trying to get those people to "love , approve, and sign-off" on you if you want. Or you can face reality that "not everyone is going to like it", and simply avoid such kill-joys in the first place. So peaceful. So serene.

when approached and people ask ,i tell them i'm looking for old coins,and it's been very proffitable and great exercise too.:roll:
Yeah I do think there are a lot of people that dont like to see others enjoying themselves. Worse yet , many are offended that we could be enjoying ourselves by doing something they would never do. There is this need for conformity that people have , it disrupts their outlook on life when they see someone doing something that they wouldnt. We dont conform to how they think we should be so they want to put a stop to it. It really is pathetic , but this is what bullies do. Simply put , they wouldnt....or cant for some reason , do what we the way they see it we shouldnt be doing it either. Nope , they arent concerned for the property or the environment....though they may try to say that , they see something "different" and they want it to stop. At times there is probably some amount of jealousy involved but for the most part people just dont like anything they cant understand.
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