A $20 Bill


Jan 10, 2006
Beaumont, CA
Remember the story of the boy who found $20 and gave it to a soldier?
This is the follow-up. Be sure to watch to the end.

Touching story, goose-bump material. Ive been to that Cracker Barrel.

Adults can learn from a child.

Good people do exist.
My wife went to high school with that young man's mother and father. As a matter of fact, they all went to high school out by where 5 mile lives. I too have eaten at that Cracker Barrel.
Awesome story. I remember hearing about that a while back.
I think the whole world should stop and watch and listen to some kids once in a while. Their hearts and minds, with their innocence, can sometimes change your way of thinking, or your outlook.
I think that kid is going to grow up and be an inspiration to many, but I'm afraid he may never be truly happy always carrying that empty spot in his heart for his dad that he never had the chance to meet.
Back in '83, 4 Dec. to be exact, while serving overseas in a hostile area, a friend of mine at the time, got to call home that morning because his wife had their baby, a son. That night we ended up in a pretty intense firefight that lasted for a few hours. My friend and 7 others , also friends, took a direct hit from an incoming mortar round, that took their lives. I think of them often, and I often think of his son, just wondering how he turned out.
Sorry , just got to rambling on, the story of this little boy just brought out some memories and just venting.
Thanks Rudy for the post. I hope all the good that is coming out of this little boys actions will help to ease the pain he carries in his heart for his dad.
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