9 Year Old Boy Brings Knife to School.

Request another meeting and advise them you need photos of the " weapon" and also ask for their written definitions of knife and weapon. Then let it slip that your attorney needs this information. PS advise them to keep custody of the evidence in case your attorney needs it in court. This is not a weapon, for it to be a weapon it has to be capable of inflicting injury. Tell him your attorney would like them to demonstrate this capability incourt.
Request another meeting and advise them you need photos of the " weapon" and also ask for their written definitions of knife and weapon. Then let it slip that your attorney needs this information. PS advise them to keep custody of the evidence in case your attorney needs it in court. This is not a weapon, for it to be a weapon it has to be capable of inflicting injury. Tell him your attorney would like them to demonstrate this capability incourt.

Good words right there!
This is not a weapon, for it to be a weapon it has to be capable of inflicting injury. Tell him your attorney would like them to demonstrate this capability incourt.

Well if someone gets cut on any rusted jagged pc of it they might need a tetanus shot...:laughing::lol::yes: OH BROTHER!
Request another meeting and advise them you need photos of the " weapon" and also ask for their written definitions of knife and weapon. Then let it slip that your attorney needs this information. PS advise them to keep custody of the evidence in case your attorney needs it in court. This is not a weapon, for it to be a weapon it has to be capable of inflicting injury. Tell him your attorney would like them to demonstrate this capability incourt.

I love this! You know the principal threw it away right? He did not keep the evidence! The fact that he just put it in the trash is a sign of how benign the relic was.

...while my boy was reprimanded for bringing the knife to school the Principle chose not to remove the "threat" but rather toss it in the trash.

Well if someone gets cut on any rusted jagged pc of it they might need a tetanus shot...:laughing::lol::yes: OH BROTHER!

I am sure the school probably required a tetanus vaccine prior to enrolling.

LOL! wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_tolerance_(schools):

wikipedia said:
[/URL]]Critics say zero tolerance in schools have occasionally resulted in punishments which have been criticised as egregiously unfair against students and teachers, especially in schools with poorly written policies. Consequently, these policies are sometimes derided as
zero-intelligence policies.
Zero tolerance policies are moronic. They are only put in place to lift the burden of actually having to make a judgement off of the school administrators. Common Sense be damned.
I love this! You know the principal threw it away right? He did not keep the evidence! The fact that he just put it in the trash is a sign of how benign the relic was.

WOW! That's Scarey Stuff. If the janitor found it the school might have to go into lock down! :laughing: SHEESH!
If they threw the evidence away prior to any appeal hearing, shame on them. I would definitly ask for the hearing and possibly consult an attorney. As someone else stated what will this do for his future. Colleges will not look to highly on it. Also, i dont like attorneys or law suits but I'd surly theaten with one and how embarassing for your well repected Christian Boy Scout son. Maybe if they are made aware of how this has impacted him and his family, his reputation, your reputation, relationships. You know everyone hears rumors, they all think your son went to school with a combat knife or sword. How many parents will want your son playing with their children? Threaten to go to court and have a judge decide if this meets your state laws definition of weapon, then they can demonstrate how deadly it is in court also.
How many kids are suspended from schools each day for carrying ball bats and golf clubs in the hallways? They can be deadly weapons. How about pens, pencils, nail files, and scissors? There are so many weapons in schools, problem is, they dont perceive them as weapons. Do a goggle search on all the above, you will be amazed at the results. Print those and then meet with the principle and ask for the districts suspension records for students carrying any of the above. He wont give them to you. Thats ok just tell him your attorney will get a subpoena for them. That might get him thinking that a small rusted chunk of what used to be a pen knife might not be a weapon.
Go get the knife and show us pics. Until then your kid was busted with a knife. What would they do to you at the courthouse or airplane if you were caught? Why is your kid above the law and mine is not? Anti no tolerance people would change their minds if little sonny Johnny or daughter Sally or grand kids come home with a shank from a rusty relic. !!!? So much for the laws where's my md and a cemetery? Lol
0 tolerance weapon laws are great, just make sure it is a "weapon". IE can be used to cause physical harm or injury. How many people are killed or seriously injured by ball bats every year. Now tell me how many kids are on school property with them every day. Not one is suspended, why? Because at the time those kids were not using the bats as weapons. Schools should have some leeway in determining if it will cause harm, attempt to use it as a weapon, or show intent to use it as a weapon. If they would like I would gladly walk into any school and remove "weapons", you just better have a semi to haul them away when i'm done. Lol
I am a school teacher and am almost finished with my admin degree. I am interning right now.

Zero tolerance is a complete joke! Most state do allow for discretion by the principal or district superintendent. I would make an appointment with the super.

I'm sorry you son is being punished for other people's stupidity. Fight them, they will back down.

I know of one parent who had an attorney write a letter threatening a lawsuit and the district backed down instantly!
If he threw it away, than he destroyed your sons right to due process! You have a total case. If the knife was rusted shut then there is no way he could prove it was dangerous. Fight stupidity!

If you think zero tolerance laws stop school violence you are sadly unaware. These policies do nothing.
If he threw it away, than he destroyed your sons right to due process! You have a total case. If the knife was rusted shut then there is no way he could prove it was dangerous. Fight stupidity!

If you think zero tolerance laws stop school violence you are sadly unaware. These policies do nothing.

You are 100% correct. I speak at schools and businesses on school and work place violence and security. They are always amazed when I show them all the "weapons" they have in their rooms to fight back. Do they really think a zero tolerance policy will stop an individual determined to kill or injure students. A shooter runs into the school with an assault style rifle, realizes they have a policy against it and leaves. I dont think that will happen, these individuals are not concerned with a policy and most know they will not walk out alive.
get pics of the rusty relic and threaten to contact your local paper or news channel and let them know of the school's stupidity
Zero tolerance, isn't really to protect the students, or for concern over their safety. It's about school liability. Many times, appeals will be successful, since the schools don't want a big fuss about such things. Principal may have over reacted, or was too busy to consider this thoroughly, he's human, and will make mistakes, just like the child showed poor judgement.

How many children get stabbed with pencils every year? And why are they still allow access to them?
How many children get stabbed with pencils every year? And why are they still allow access to them?


Most law enforcement agencies have zero tolerance for impaired drivers. Has it stopped the drug and alcohol driving related deaths and injuries?
Since a lot of crashes are excessive speed related, if law enforcement started a zero tolerance policy for speeding( 1 mph + over gets a ticket) would people stop speeding?
So does everyone really believe a written policy will keep all weapons out of schools?
Or do you believe the policy is in place to protect the school from lawsuits?

Against my better judgement I chose not to involve an attorney. I did however have a follow up meeting with the principal where she was VERY opposed to mentioning on paper that the knife would not open and did not pose any risk. After going around for 45 minutes the most I could get her to put on paper was that it was dug out of the ground. She was very nonhelpful and refused to elaborate on the condition of the knife on paper.

Cut to a week and 2 days later I find out that she is however quite the record keeper as I received another call today from the Principal this time for "shining a light at a student". She had over voicemail requested another meeting saying this needed to be discussed. When I did finally get through to her via phone she had said she and the teacher handled it and that the light came from selling coupon books for school. She was however adding the infraction although minor to his file. She sent me a copy of the record and it literally says "shined light at a student" and nothing at all mentioning it was a light that the teacher gave him as a prize or anything. After talking to my son and asking him what happened he had mentioned she thought he brought it from home.

It looks like I will be consulting with an attorney soon as well as requesting a meeting with the Super Intendent to give him a chance to fix all this before taking this any farther. This has already affected my sons attitude toward school, his activities, and relationship with friends.
Wow, I PMed you before I read this post. I know school administrators like her. Why some people get into eduction I'll never understand. Sounds like she is better suited to be a prison guard.

I think that the way you deal with this is important.
Keep us posted, and good luck.
Saw this in the local news this morning...


No idea what this 9 year old was up to, but definitely weapons, and some ill intent.

The lack of detail, and refusal to clarify the incident by your principal, implies it was much more serious, than it actually was. Shining a light, is a disciplinary event? Does she mention it was a flashlight, or imply a laser? Records should be accurate, factual. Wonder how many other parents are having the same or similar problems.

She made the knife incident out to be a whole lot worse, than it really was, and she was being a far greater threat to your son's future. A weapon in school, could very much effect his chances of getting into other schools, financial aid, employment. He's 9 years old, no telling what direction his future would go, and this isn't helping. We tend to believe the schools have our children's best interest in mind, and that they will make those records sound as nice as possible, considering the situation. You principal, is just the opposite, and limiting your son's options at an early age. 9 years old, that principal, is still going to be ruining his life for a few more years...
Do you think this principal told the other teachers your son had a small rusty chunk of what used to be a pen knife? Or do you believe she just described it as a " knife", now you can bet they will be watching him. That explanes the deadly light shinning incident. Read all my previous post, get necessary information,and meet with the superintendant and threaten with lawsuit.
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