2009 Finds

Stamped 24k. Good friend tested it at 22K+.
What hobby pays you like MDing:?:
Fresh air, exercise, eye candy. Win/win!

This is the thread that convinced me to upgrade from my Discovery 1000 to a dual field. Still addicted as ever and more fired up after seeing that chain:shock: Thanks Aquaman!

I agree with the fresh air and exercise, but what eye candy:?: Though there are areas that must be very slowly gridded to ensure nothing is missed:laughing:
I'm glad this thread got brought back to life, it was years before I got into the hobby.

As far as the finds....I nearly fainted:lol: All I can say is INCREDIBLE!!

You are living every detectorist dream! Location, Location, Location...you are where the treasure is!!! Never mind any naysayers...they are just jealous! Rings looking to shiny:laughing: shoooot, first thing I do when I get home with any precious metal find is go to work cleaning and polishing...even the small crusty silver rings I will work at for as long as it takes to get it looking as good as possible. I don't sell anything either. Will not likely ever find enough for any retirement money...but its my treasure, fruits of my detecting labor. I LOVE this hobby and break out the finds every chance I get to show friends.

I can understand not wishing to show all your incredible finds, but please throw us a teaser every once in awhile:grin:

I wish you a very successful 2013!!

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