The FBI Files: Dents Run Civil War Gold

The gentleman is seeking to understand the events that took place at DR. He is seeking answers to many questions on topics which have been specifically addressed in this thread. He asserts to have been a former G man. Perhaps he could bring a new and unique perspective to the discussion.

Despite the millions of people known to have taken the click bait from the Plaintiff or media who support the conspirators, there are bound to be some folks out there who are still willing to look for and learn the truth for themselves and intelligently discuss the evidence.
He gets several facts of the case wrong.

1. He claims all the witnesses identified the armored trucks as "bank trucks". The witnesses around the time of the dig, identified the armored trucks as Lenco bearcat armored troop carriers, not bank trucks. I've seen no testimony of anyone claiming they were bank trucks. Maybe he's interviewing people 5 years post dig and now they are having revisionist (and self-fulfilling) thoughts of seeing bank trucks?

2. He says Dennis wasn't allowed to dig at the site. That is not true. Dennis was trespassed from the site. Even after being trespassed, he was still allowed the option of posting a 5000 bond to dig, he declined that offer.

3. He claims the "witnesses" (up until 4 years after the dig, only one witness had came forward, not "witnesses" plural) heard digging all night. At the time however, the one witness who claimed to hear digging, claimed it was until 2am, not all night.

4. He talks about generators on site, but I'm surprised, since he claims to have read the file, doesn't know their where also diesel powered 6x6 gators patrolling up and down the road.
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Watched his first segment too.

- He also gets the legend wrong and conflates stories. He's merged the KGC into the lost gold ingot treasure legend. Saying the KGC raided the norths payroll gold caravan. That's not in the story. There's no evidence to support the lost gold ingot story, let alone that the KGC had raided the caravan and stole the gold and secreted it away.

-He also incorrectly claims that the FBI conducted their own testing that indicated gold in the ground. The FBI only hired environscan and the gravimeter did not detect gold (they don't detect metals, only densities).
He gets several facts of the case wrong.
Exactly. If really looking to get to the bottom of this, he would be best served by reading this thread and re-reading the file he says he has already extensively read. From what I have watched, it sounds as though his investigation is only beginning. I'm interested to learn what if anything he can add from the perspective of an ex-FBI agent.
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I must be clicking something wrong then. Because all I see the fellow talking about is stuff un-related at all to D.R.
New Filings Today. No real surprises. Plaintiff is still arguing the search was inadequate among other things. Here is what he is asking to the judge to rule in his favor on:

(1) conduct a new search that is not limited to the Sentinel indices and includes, inter alia, a search of the FBI’s Philadelphia Field Office in addition to all files at FBI Headquarters;

(2) use the same search terms the FBI used for its most recent search;

(3) also search for communications with Enviroscan and copies of requisitions for expenditures for the Dents Run Seizure, and

(4) use July 14, 2019, as the cut-off date for that search and produce all non-exempt documents within 30 days, and it is further ORDERED that within 30 days Defendant provide Plaintiff with a declaration that explains how video and video files provided to RIDS were transformed into “processed video Case 1:22-cv-00009-APM Document 51-3 Filed 01/29/24 Page 1 of 2 2 clips” that in turn were processed for release to Plaintiff and the extent to which those video clips excluded material in the video files and why;

(5)and it is further ORDERED that Defendant search for and produce within 30 days the FBI’s original Operational Plan prepared for the Dents Run Seizure that was updated on March 13, 2019;

(6) and it is further ORDERED that Defendant’s motion is denied with respect to its reliance on FOIA Exemption 7(E) to withhold portions of the March 13, 2019 Operation containing specific information about the Dents Run Seizure;

(7)and it is further ORDERED that Defendant release those portions immediately to Plaintiff


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This guy is going to continue to search for various "achilles heels", turning himself into pretzels to find anything they don't lickety split have an answer for. Or a "i" that they didn't dot. Or a "T" that they didn't cross. And the moment he finds any achilles heel, he's going to jump up and down and scream "fabulous treasure".

So let's try this out for size : I'm going to show up at GoDeep's house. With a list of demands. Eg.: His phone records, his bank statement, an explanation for the scratch on his car's bumper, all his computer and camera SD cards, etc... And by golly if GoDeep misses a single step, or hesitates in the slightest, then we can all assume that GoDeep has stolen a fabulous treasure from Tom_in_CA RIGHT ? :shock:

After all, GoDeep has been acting suspicious lately. And has squinty eyes. :sissyfight: Tsk tsk
I'm surprised Plaintiff didn't also ask the judge to order them to search "every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in the area"
Didn't the judge already make the FBI search their records using different terms?
Didn't the judge already make the FBI search their records using different terms?
Yes, but now they are asking the judge to make the FBI search other places too. I'm not sure how it works, but the days of the FBI keeping files in a file cabinet at their local office are over, so I suspect they will lose this motion, though the judge may just appease them to shut this drawn out lawsuit down.

I will say this, Plaintiff has a point about the expenditures. There have been no expenditure sheets provided and I agree that they should be provided.
I was going through some old newspaper clippings and came across this one from a Dec. 1976 article about the Dents Run Gold. There is nothing different about the fable except for a date I don't believe I had seen mentioned before. This is from Francis X. Sculley whom we all believe made up the story of the lost gold. Check out the date.
I was going through some old newspaper clippings and came across this one from a Dec. 1976 article about the Dents Run Gold. There is nothing different about the fable except for a date I don't believe I had seen mentioned before. This is from Francis X. Sculley whom we all believe made up the story of the lost gold. Check out the date.
View attachment 590652
Cool find! Can you post the entire article?
,,,, Is it possible to check Army records from back in 1941?

Something tells me that this ^ ^ is going to be part of the embellished nonsense. That it never happened. Maybe I'm wrong, but it would seem that if it were true, that FK & gang would have been ALL OVER this "juicy salacious factoid"
Something tells me that this ^ ^ is going to be part of the embellished nonsense. That it never happened. Maybe I'm wrong, but it would seem that if it were true, that FK & gang would have been ALL OVER this "juicy salacious factoid"
And if no evidence turns up it just means the army abetted the coverup...
And if no evidence turns up it just means the army abetted the coverup...

Correct. The absence of corroboration for that salacious detail would ONLY be ALL THE MORE PROOF of fabulous treasure. Now wouldn't it ? I mean, shucks, did you expect the army to tell the TRUTH ? I mean, OF COURSE they were wise enough to "scrub and white wash their records". So the lack of paperwork is simply : All the more proof of conspiracy cover up.
Several problems with this Sculley's claim:

1. He states the Army Did an investigation in 1941 but there is no evidence of that, he is simply using the fictional short story itself as evidence as it states in one of the versions of story the Army reopened the case. He's quoting the story itself as evidence.

2. He states a half bar of gold was found, again, there is no evidence of this, he is again using the story itself as evidence.

3. He essentially contradicts himself within a few sentences by stating as fact the Army Investigated the case and that a gold bar was found, but then in a Freudian moment, admits it's only a "legend" that is "plausible".

Edit: Also, I don't think Sculley was the originator of the story, he just added his embellishments to it.
To be the Devils' advocate :

You say : ".... He states the Army Did an investigation in 1941 but there is no evidence of that........"

How do you know that that ^ ^ wasn't simply the Army doing a white-wash redaction conspiracy ?

You say : "... He's quoting the story itself as evidence...."

Well shucks, if you look at ancient history, it's not unusual for there to be singular accounts of an event. Right ? So : Why can't this be any different ? Because, shucks, I remind you that there's a conspiracy white-wash IN THE FIRST PLACE .

You say : "... He states a half bar of gold was found...."

Ahh yes, and here's the tentacle that grabs SO MANY PEOPLE ! It's known as the "tip of the iceberg" proof/phenomenon : Like the single gold link from O.I. that supposedly surfaced. Hence, shucks: The "mother load can't be far behind", EH ? :shock:
Notice you have to accept the premise (half bar of gold found) AS PROOF OF ITSELF. Doh !

You say : ".... He essentially contradicts himself within a few sentences by stating as fact the Army Investigated the case and that a gold bar was found, but then in a Freudian moment, admits it's only a "legend" that is "plausible"...."

Oh you are good. Oh so good. Yup : They contradicted themselves the moment they step out their front door each morning. :roll:
His latest from his FB page, more BS!...

Dennis Parada

· January 29 at 10:44 PM ·

Any Day now things should start moving faster we hope.
1, We are now awaiting word from the Federal Judge to see if our case is over or just starting back up again. If our case is over, we have enough info to have the Senate in D.C. look into this missing $700 million in gold. If our case goes on we hope to get the rest of the FBI files that will prove a Night Dig and how much gold and silver they removed.
2, This week we are awaiting word from DCNR to see if they are willing to work with us on some Major Civil War sites, we located in central Pa. There is a untold story of what happened during the civil war that we feel needs to be told . The digs we plan to have done will prove what really happened in Pa. and how close the confederate army was to winning this war. There is a lot of new info we plan to make public soon.
3, Our TV deal is still in the works .
So everything is on hold until the Federal Judge decides our case. Then the info we have of what the FBI did to cover this up will go to the Senate, DCNR, and our Film Crew .
Thank You
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