This must be human nature....


Elite Member
Jul 30, 2013
New Glarus
A few years ago when I started detecting one of the first things I found in my own yard was a bicentennial half dollar. I remember coming in the house with an over- satisfied smirk on my face,slapping it on the counter and saying to my then doubting wife,"See? Kiss my $&@!!" Well,that was sooooo long ago...over time I have gone from being good with finding clad and knick knacks to really targeting old coins only. Endless research,scouting,thinking,scheming...the other day I was at a local church where I've found an 1896 IH and a silver dime,along with a cool token,a couple nice rings,wheats,etc. I got a solid big silver hit and thought I'd hit the big one. I did,but to my utter disappointment it was a bicentennial half dollar. Now,we shouldn't be hanging our heads about finding ANY kind of half dollar but I was. Do we as humans get so desensitized and used to "better" all the time that we get that jaded that fast? Sometimes I forget that a small wonder is still a small wonder,even though I have experienced bigger ones...the 1852 LC I found a couple months ago is going to make everything else not good enough,at times I wish I'd never found it. :crazy:
Are other people messed up like this?
I think most of us do this for the history. My wife on the other hand is perfectly fine digging clad for hours while I can't stand it if I'm not getting something old.

I don't always get old stuff, but a wheatie saves a hunt real fast in my eyes. I think you are amongst the majority.
A few years ago when I started detecting one of the first things I found in my own yard was a bicentennial half dollar. I remember coming in the house with an over- satisfied smirk on my face,slapping it on the counter and saying to my then doubting wife,"See? Kiss my $&@!!" Well,that was sooooo long ago...over time I have gone from being good with finding clad and knick knacks to really targeting old coins only. Endless research,scouting,thinking,scheming...the other day I was at a local church where I've found an 1896 IH and a silver dime,along with a cool token,a couple nice rings,wheats,etc. I got a solid big silver hit and thought I'd hit the big one. I did,but to my utter disappointment it was a bicentennial half dollar. Now,we shouldn't be hanging our heads about finding ANY kind of half dollar but I was. Do we as humans get so desensitized and used to "better" all the time that we get that jaded that fast? Sometimes I forget that a small wonder is still a small wonder,even though I have experienced bigger ones...the 1852 LC I found a couple months ago is going to make everything else not good enough,at times I wish I'd never found it. :crazy:
Are other people messed up like this?

I personally find it kinda sad that new detector friends change so much after hitting their first silvers or such, like the coin you mentioned in that half dollar coin. Mind you, I do pass up lots of shallow penny signals, but I still have a desire to see what else is under my coil. I like deep penny signals BTW.

Back to topic though...virgins in metal detecting are totally prone to going overly focused on finding something even older or better, once they find their first impressive find. Nothin' basically wrong with that but when it isolates you to NOTHING else besides those dramatic just then left the real "fun zone" of metal detecting, IN MY PERSONAL OPINION anyways.
Just depends on what part of it you enjoy the most. Ive found old coins and stuff but I still love a good clad hunt if its adding up quick.

But then I HATE finding old rusty hunks of iron and useless "whatnots" anymore , when I used to think that was fun and interesting and some others go out to look for that stuff intentionally.
Just depends on what part of it you enjoy the most. Ive found old coins and stuff but I still love a good clad hunt if its adding up quick.

But then I HATE finding old rusty hunks of iron and useless "whatnots" anymore , when I used to think that was fun and interesting and some others go out to look for that stuff intentionally.

I have found it almost automatic that newer tector friends simply cast away all clad spots after a silver find.

Congrats on your still enjoying simple clad hunts, really! I've personally experienced much of "the group that day"...sometimes they never even put a coil together on a suggested site if the history is low percentage and lacking in silver possibilities.

I simply quit suggesting at all. Sorry...crying in my beer maybe. Friends come and go. martin
I can say the it is the downfall of detecting..... AND MOST OTHER THINGS IN LIFE. It is next to impossible to continue to be satisfied by the same things. We strive for better, or that NEXT thing....
It literally ruined my detecting hobby after about 13 years.... I had the most expensive gear and the best of everything... I was pulling over 100 silver a year, gold, jewelry, relics..... but would still come home pissed off most of the time. I was ready to quite when I decided to get back to the basic rule of the hobby.... HAVE FUN!!!!
so I put the expensive gear in the closet... picked up a machine that was 1/5 the cost.... and went back at it with only one goal in mind...... get exercise/have fun. Its hard not to fall back into that mindset... but I keep trying my best to have fun and take pleasure in every hunt. I set dumb goals like "how many pull tabs can I find" or whatever....
It has lead to some amazing finds this year.....
Good luck to all and keep it simple.
I can say the it is the downfall of detecting..... AND MOST OTHER THINGS IN LIFE. It is next to impossible to continue to be satisfied by the same things. We strive for better, or that NEXT thing....
It literally ruined my detecting hobby after about 13 years.... I had the most expensive gear and the best of everything... I was pulling over 100 silver a year, gold, jewelry, relics..... but would still come home pissed off most of the time. I was ready to quite when I decided to get back to the basic rule of the hobby.... HAVE FUN!!!!
so I put the expensive gear in the closet... picked up a machine that was 1/5 the cost.... and went back at it with only one goal in mind...... get exercise/have fun. Its hard not to fall back into that mindset... but I keep trying my best to have fun and take pleasure in every hunt. I set dumb goals like "how many pull tabs can I find" or whatever....
It has lead to some amazing finds this year.....
Good luck to all and keep it simple.

No sense in letting all that expensive gear just go to waste in the closet, throw some my way, I'll put it to use! ;) :giggle:
I fell victim to this mindset earlier this year. When I started this hobby 18 months ago I was in awe when I'd find a Zincoln. Then I became more adept at finding clad and picking through the junk. Finally hit my first silvers last October, a '48 Rosie and '54 GW, followed by a dandy 1940 Walker a couple days later. For some reason I became obsessed with finding a Merc. Finally found one a few weeks later and kept finding them regularly through the winter. After that I became annoyed with clad, and even commented to my son early this Spring after the run of Mercs that I'd just like to find a Rosie because the Mercs were getting too routine and kinda boring. After that my silver streak slowed way down and I went three months between Mercs. When I found the Merc that ended my drought a couple weeks ago I kissed it and decided that I'm going to be happy with any silvers I get. And I've been on (for me) a nice silver streak since. I'm still not enthralled with clad, but it's free money and I bank it and buy silver with it at the end of the year. Like many of you, I've adopted the mindset that this hobby is for fun and any time I get to spend doing it I'm going to appreciate and enjoy whatever the targets I'm digging may be!
I agree that it's human nature. It's the uncommon that is exciting. My first post on here was about a rusted steel bar I found in my back yard. Looking back, it's hard to believe I was so enthralled with that thing. :lol: I still enjoy digging clad and random odd items, but would much rather be digging silver coins, jewelry, or old relics (Still love Tootsie toys!). I've got enough silver Rosies that, although I do appreciate each and every one, I don't get really excited about them. I still do little dances over Mercs, but would really get excited over a larger denomination silver coin which are more rare for me. My wife too gets excited over clad and will spend time trying to find the date on all the clad coins she finds. She gets frustrated with me when I don't present the response she wants. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with her success, tell her what a good job she's doing, and am excited by her excitement, but I just can't get enthusiastic over clad dimes and quarters. They're all immediately recognizable here as nearly every one is tarnished brown, so there is no question when she dumps them on the table about there being any silver in the mix as I'd stand out. One of these days she'll find her first silver coin and she'll probably get the response she's looking for. However, for as infrequently as she hunts, who knows when that will be. Every time she pics up the detector though I hope it will be the time. :D
We are in a hobby where there is only so much to find. It isn't renewing itself. No more silver is hitting the dirt. Yes rings and stuff are continuing to be lost at the beaches. But coin hunting and even relic hunting is not being replenished. The finds and even places to detect are being plucked at an incredible rate. When they are gone they are gone for good. Each special find like silver should be remembered and thought of as special. I don't count my finds. I'm not in any race. Personally I hate to see the tally's in the signatures. I hate to see posts where the person claims they have a goal of 100 silvers. :no: All you doing is hurrying the demise of the resources in the hobby.
I'm not in any race. Personally I hate to see the tally's in the signatures. I hate to see posts where the person claims they have a goal of 100 silvers. :no: All you doing is hurrying the demise of the resources in the hobby.

I am always in a race/competition with my past self.. I set goals as an effort to better myself. If you don't get out there and find it, trust me, somebody will.. My signature is my way of reminding myself of my goals and helps me keep track of my count... Yes, I keep score...

I am generation X, in grade school we actually kept score, there were winners and losers.. Second place means you were the first person to lose...

While the rest of the world is raising winners that will compete in a world economy, we are raising kids who think you just have to be there to be a winner... Not true, being called a winner is something that you have to earn!! You ARE NOT entitled to be anything, you have to pick what you want to be and earn it...

"If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice!" -Rush

Yes I am guilty of this as well....I can remember my first few months where I was excited to dig a wheat penny, now when I go out I get disgusted to ONLY dig wheats....seems like they are everywhere and they provide zero excitement for me, they are merely only evidence that silver is POSSIBLY nearby. Anymore I am at the point where if I dont find a silver or a indian on a hunt, I dont count it as a sucessful hunt. I am not in a race with anyone but I also know if I dont research and find old spots, someone else will find it first, so I am always constantly looking for a place that others have not 7 yrs I have never yet found a honey hole like others here have found, but I continue to keeps me going. Sometimes when I have a new spot lined up that SHOULD produce, the anticipation of detecting it about drives me crazy as I dream lf the finds that should be there lol!
Even back in the early 70's, when you found a dime (silver, of course) and being disappointed because if was only a Rosie and not a Merc or Barber. Then when you found a Merc, being disappointed because if was only one made in the 40's. :laughing:
I am always in a race/competition with my past self.. I set goals as an effort to better myself. If you don't get out there and find it, trust me, somebody will.. My signature is my way of reminding myself of my goals and helps me keep track of my count... Yes, I keep score...

I am generation X, in grade school we actually kept score, there were winners and losers.. Second place means you were the first person to lose...

While the rest of the world is raising winners that will compete in a world economy, we are raising kids who think you just have to be there to be a winner... Not true, being called a winner is something that you have to earn!! You ARE NOT entitled to be anything, you have to pick what you want to be and earn it...

"If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice!" -Rush


The real question for you is...... Is the person who went out and found a ton of clad but had a great time the winner? or is the person who went out and got frustrated until he plucked that $4 worth of silver out of the ground the winner? It all depends how you look at it.
Every day that I'm physically able to get out and enjoy the beach and this wonderful hobby is a win for me. I really dont think about finding anything, but when I do, Its that same awesome feeling all over again. I'm very blessed to be able to do it with good friends !
The real question for you is...... Is the person who went out and found a ton of clad but had a great time the winner? or is the person who went out and got frustrated until he plucked that $4 worth of silver out of the ground the winner? It all depends how you look at it.

If they set and achieved goals and or at least tried to do better than before they are both winners.... If finding clad is fun your goal is to have more fun than last time, so be it...

Me, I'm hooked on finding rings! :lol:

I am always in a race/competition with my past self.. I set goals as an effort to better myself. If you don't get out there and find it, trust me, somebody will.. My signature is my way of reminding myself of my goals and helps me keep track of my count... Yes, I keep score...

I fail to see how setting a silver goal and achieving it is bettering yourself. Does achieving the goal mean you are a good hunter? Maybe that you are good at finding new places to hunt? Maybe that your new detector is working beyond your dreams? Maybe all of the above. Maybe you took more time to hunt this year pushing off those chores? If counting your finds makes you happy then please continue to do it. But please know that some of us are not impressed.

I hunt with a few good hunters. They impress me and I try to learn from them. Sometimes all they do is pull one coin out of the iron I just hunted. Now that was impressive.
I think being satisfied with your hunts isnt about setting goals as much as it is setting "realistic" goals. You wind up very disappointed when you fall short of the goal you had for yourself , but if you would have been more conservative with your goal you could very well feel like you accomplished your goal and then some.

And if you nailed the silver and gold then you excelled most righteously indeed :lol:

"Party on , and be excellent to each other".............( Bill and Teds excellent adventure , 1989 )
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