Help on balancing the AT Pro for spent coal, slag


Full Member
Jun 26, 2018
Lancaster, NY
One of my most productive areas I have ever hunted has a large field of coal slag buried just below the surface of the grass. I suspect there was a homestead / blacksmith ( some old brick recovered) on this site and the area is the dumping ground. I was able to pull a SLQ out of that field this past year but need to refine my technique for this "soil" type. I would be grateful for your tips and suggestions for my AT Pro :?: ...thank you!
Hunting around that stuff in tough. Only real advice I have is to dig targets that have very steady readings. Coal gives erratic readings. Also wait and hit that site when the ground is really dry. Check the depth, coal sounds like a deep silver even though it may be an inch or two deep...coal usually doesn't sink very deep.
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