I'm new here, but some posters may already know me!


Elite Member
Oct 11, 2018
Scituate, RI
I've spent the last 5 years posting on the other popular treasure hunting website. But now that they've decided to ban anyone who comments negatively about the Dents Run Gold "find", I'll be posting here once in awhile.

I've been lurking on this site for a few months and I do recognize some of the posters. Jason in Enid and Tom in CA are two posters I'm familiar with, but I'll bet there are many more that I'll recognize.

I spend most of my time detecting in the woods looking for colonial era coins and relics. I live in Scituate, RI, which is great place to hunt for the old stuff. I do enjoy digging for clad every once in awhile, but rarely detect at the beach. Just not my thing, I guess.

Some of you guys may also know me from my videos on YouTube. My handle is "SkynyrdTim" on that site and I usually have "Metal Detecting Rhode Island" in the video's title.

That's it for now. I will be commenting on the Dents Run gold thread, but not today. Don't want to start out by posting negative comments on my first day here! Take care and HH.
Welcome from South Carolina !!!!

On this "Friendly" site simply having opposing or negative views is not a problem, the mods just want to be sure nothing is written as a personal attack against members themselves, the old saying applies "politely agreed to disagree" :lol: …….and being that political discussions can become heated, the mods will close a thread if it turns too political, hey, the mods work hard to keep this place "friendly" :lol:

Anyhow, we look forward to your posts opposing or otherwise :lol:

:mder:_____:mder: _____:mder:_____:mder:
Welcome aboard. And yes: You surmised correctly : That "other" site's mod's only allow assenting/affirming views of silly treasure legends (Dents Run). And dowsing/LRL nonsense. To question any of that, is to be "attacking" "aggressive", "calling someone a liar", etc.....

Well ... I am exaggerating a bit, to make a point :roll: I'm sure there's ways a person can *very meekly* & raise objections/questions. BUT YOU HAVE TO TREAD VERY SOFTLY. And even THEN-SO, you could be subject to warnings.

And what will REALLY do you in, is to point out that dissenting view points to those topics, are not allowed. In that case, that constitutes "questioning the mod's". Which is grounds for immediate time-out ban.
Tom, you are correct. Insinuating that the mods over there are favoring someone is immediate grounds for a vacation. They like to play favorites, but don't want to admit it. The mod from PA is good buddies with the guy who claims to have found the Civil War gold, so he spends all his time defending this outlandish "the FBI stole my gold" claim.

Oh well, life goes on. I'll keep posting videos every once in awhile and show off some of my better finds here on a semi-regular basis. That should appease my need to brag about my treasure hunting finds! LOL!
Tom, you are correct. Insinuating that the mods over there are favoring someone is immediate grounds for a vacation. They like to play favorites, but don't want to admit it. The mod from PA is good buddies with the guy who claims to have found the Civil War gold, so he spends all his time defending this outlandish "the FBI stole my gold" claim.


thanx for confirming what I , and others, have suspected. It's just incredible. Oh well, good to see that this forum allows pro/con views.

Welcome aboard.
Dents run is just a few miles from my family camp on Mason Hill which is accessed near Mix Run (named after the famous movie cowboy Tom Mix). So, I am always interested in the Civil War gold story, many have searched for a long time for it.

Welcome to the forum from Western NY

Tom, you are correct. Insinuating that the mods over there are favoring someone is immediate grounds for a vacation. They like to play favorites, but don't want to admit it. The mod from PA is good buddies with the guy who claims to have found the Civil War gold, so he spends all his time defending this outlandish "the FBI stole my gold" claim.

Oh well, life goes on. I'll keep posting videos every once in awhile and show off some of my better finds here on a semi-regular basis. That should appease my need to brag about my treasure hunting finds! LOL!

Hi Tim, glad you made it over here. I left that place with the biased mods on my own back in February when my post was deleted because it wasn't formatted the way a certain mod wanted it. And he has done the exact same thing I did on many occasions. If you say a bad word about KC (the owner of which is his buddy), he will delete and ultimately ban you.
That place really needs to get a handle on their mods. I know from PMs that many of the big name posters there have petitioned the UberMod to do something about the FL goober. I guess as long as the ad money comes in, who cares....?

I know its a thankless job, but I also know they can find better than what they have in some cases. Friendly is proof that such good people exist.

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Dang they have some rules over there !!

So Tom

Which rule did you break :?:

You may not.... Impersonate, imitate, pretend to be, or mock another member.

You may not.... Provide instructional information about illegal activities.

You may not.... Insult moderators, or denigrate the duties they perform.

I have a mind to send them a strongly worded letter insisting they reinstate you.
Lol Tim welcome, I've seen you over there. I think you will be ok here. Sorry to hear about the treatment. Even though you are someone who I have disagreed with in the past, I still support your right to have an opinion. Keep on digging good that stuff you have been popping out this summer.
... I know from PMs that many of the big name posters there have petitioned the UberMod to do something about the FL goober.......

Sshheesskk. I'd like to add my name to that petition :roll:
So Tom

Which rule did you break :?:

You may not.... Impersonate, imitate, pretend to be, or mock another member.

You may not.... Provide instructional information about illegal activities.

You may not.... Insult moderators, or denigrate the duties they perform.

I have a mind to send them a strongly worded letter insisting they reinstate you.

So-Oregon-MD, thanx for the kind words.

To answer your question, I came down strong on the Dent's Run nonsense. Got warned (as have many others who dare raise a voice of doubt, question it, point out logical failures of it, more plausible answers, etc....). So far though, I had not been time-outed. THAT happened when I pointed out , on another thread, that dissenting voice/opinion wasn't allowed. Only affirming views of ghost stories and magic wands. THAT constituted "questioning the mod's". Which got me 6 month's out. It expires 11/25.

I can understand a rule not to "mock another member". Makes perfect sense, right ? The problem is: The definition of "mocking" (or "attacking" or "aggressive", etc...) there, is to give a "con" (dissenting) point of view . But even then-so, only on certain subjects (Dents Run or magic wands).

If a dissenting view is given on a certain detector or md'ing technique, etc..., that's ok. As is "locker room" talk on those subjects. But don't DARE poke fun at certain treasure legends or dowsing or LRL.

You have to be *real* timid, meek, etc.... in that arena.
I am surprised that I am allowed on any metal detecting forum because I will quickly tell you that any one who sells LRL is a greedy low down thief.

They do work. They take peoples money under false pretenses. I can take two pieces of copper wire shape them into an L and find just as much as one will find with one of those pieced of junk.

I might even find more than you will find with a LRL and those that sell them know that they do not work but they will tell you that you are not using them correctly when you can not find anything wit one.

I will slide my soap box back under the bed for the time being.
That's it for now. I will be commenting on the Dents Run gold thread, but not today. Don't want to start out by posting negative comments on my first day here! Take care and HH.

For Rice cakes, don't hold back now! Let `er rip!

Welcome from SW WI
So-Oregon-MD, thanx for the kind words.

To answer your question, I came down strong on the Dent's Run nonsense. Got warned (as have many others who dare raise a voice of doubt, question it, point out logical failures of it, more plausible answers, etc....). So far though, I had not been time-outed. THAT happened when I pointed out , on another thread, that dissenting voice/opinion wasn't allowed. Only affirming views of ghost stories and magic wands. THAT constituted "questioning the mod's". Which got me 6 month's out. It expires 11/25.

I was only banned once before over there. It was for a week about 4 years ago, so I haven't been a problem child over the years. But the Florida mod banned me for a YEAR under the guise of "threatening a mod or site member" (or something like that). Totally over the top punishment for a comment that wasn't a threat, just a statement of fact.

Too bad the head mod over there doesn't have the courage to shut down the PA and FL mods. They're perpetuating the myth that this Dents Run guy has been selling for six years now. Bogus claims of found treasure make all us detectorists look like liars and con artists. Not a good portrayal of a great hobby...
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