Time to sharpen your Lesche or Predator shovels


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Sep 20, 2015
North Atlanta, GA
You would be surprised how fast these stainless steel shovels develop a dull edge.

I took both my Lesche and Predator shovel to the electric stone grinding wheel and sharpened the leading edges and the root cutting sides.

Took out on a hunt in the woods last night and it sliced through 1/2 inch roots with ease. I will try to remind myself to do this at least every couple of months or as needed.
I keep a sharpener similar to the one pictured in my bag. I use it on my diggers every now and then. I would not use it on an expensive knife since it removes metal. It works great for keeping my diggers sharp though.
sharpener (2).jpg
I'm no metallurgist, but I don't think the Lesche or Predator are stainless steel.
I keep a file in my trunk for both.
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