Caution about historical markers


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Sep 20, 2015
North Atlanta, GA
You cannot always trust state historical markers. For instance in Georgia one stated that "the battle took place 200 yards east of this marker". Then later found out they move the marker 2 blocks in the 80's and left the original bronze marker wording which now gives incorrect directions.

Some state and county workers or I should say their bosses don't always follow logic when doing some things.
I have seen this over and over and over again here in CA. Those markers are simply set at the most convenient pull-over spot (shoulder space for cars to pull over). And yes .... they sometimes got moved when roadways were widened, or off-ramps added hither or yonder, etc....

For the casual reader, then "west of here" or "at this location was..." is good enough. But for an md'r, to be a mere 300 yards off: You might as well be 300 miles off.
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