Leaving the park feeling good about yourself !


Elite Member
Jan 30, 2006
Georgetown, Ohio, USA
Greetings ! :tiphat:

I normally hunt public parks with all or a combination of set-ups for action sports, i.e. jogging trails, baseball, football and soccer fields, skateboard and basketball courts and tot lots. Outdoor picnic tables, grills and covered pavilions are also usually provided to make our visits pleasant. These are our play grounds, for which we should be thankful. However, unfortunately they are normally so trashy ! Gee, I wonder how that could be happening ? :hmmm:
:newidea: I know, angels are spring cleaning, sweeping trash out of Heavens back doors and letting it rain down on us....humph !

OK, let's get back down to Earth ! Truth is, the disrespectful multitudes drop their unwanted items on the ground right where they sit or stand..... too lazy to walk a few feet to the nearest garbage can provided. This keeps the grass covered and soil saturated with junk, making the grounds unsightly and such a challenge to metal detect.

And there doesn't seem to be an answer to this problem due to the progressive decline for many generations of babies making babies and no moral discipline being taught by parents, who are themselves irresponsibles. We shouldn't expect the schools to do our job of regularly teaching and enforcing good behavior and habits of responsibility to our children.

So, let's all try to be conscientious about depositing rubbish in the park garbage cans. If no can is in sight, then take it with you to the first can you see when leaving the park, or take it home for disposal.

Thanks for helping to keep our parks clean. You'll feel good about yourself if you do!

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Good idea. I always pick up what i can. One park near me has picnic pavilions, each with a trash container and a container for recyclables. But there are still cans and bottles scattered around when I go there.
Good wright up Todd.

My small town has a few parks that I hunt. They do have trash cans too. Not to often I will find trash laying around. No more than I find, I pick it up and put it in the trash can. Most of the time the trash is right beside the can. Just a little lazy .

Metal detecting isn't allowed in the park down the street from me (or, pretty much any public park in UnFairTax County), but with all the needles, it's probably not safe anyway.

-- Tom
I hunt parks a lot too and have the same issues here in Texas. Good write up and thanks for posting.
I also hunt parks and pick up trash all the time. It's a shame people don't have more respect for their home. I get lots of trash in front of my house, I live in the country.
DougF, dirtyneese, arhaios, pescadore and bubbaron ,

Thanks for your thanks and personal remarks about the rubbish we have to deal with, from stuff pitched out of car windows into front yards and drainage ditches by the road (bubbaron...I used to live in the country too and was constantly picking up those glaring-white cigarette butts, candy wrappers, chip bags, beer bottles and soda cans.) to the litter we dispose of at parks for others and it helps us too in the long run.

For metal detectorists it's smart for us to take any metal trash we dig up or see on top of the ground and deposit into the park garbage cans. Otherwise, if left in the hole or to sink in the ground, it's a problem for us on future hunts.....right ? ;)

Maybe the man upstairs will reward us with a nice surprise for our good deeds. You just never know when what you say or do for others will touch His heart !

I'm always picking up trash usually round the play areas. Most of the time the parks I visit our pretty clean. I have seen birds getting in the trash cans and scattering trash around. One of the parks has a carnival once a year and the trash is really bad. The groundskeepers really complain when the have the carnivals because of the trash. It is a good time for me to find folding money though.:lol:
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