NEW PICS Musket barrel

Quick and dirty metal id

If you touch the metal item to a running bench grinder wheel, you can get a quick and rough estimate of the iron/carbon content of the item. There are pictures available on the web that allow you to estimate the metal you have. If you take a known modern pipe and the test piece and inspect the "feathers", you can tell whether your find is more like a pipe or a gun barrel. ID.pdf

Hope this helps.
John Morton
Im sure you dont want to hear from me, however I wanted to let you know im not trying to be a jerk to you... You took what I said about the forum out of context and now people are doing the same to you... Kinda sucks doesnt it... Im sure you have found many cool items at your site, however not everything is something.. Im glad you take the hobby serious but I do have to say this isnt the first time I have seen you dispute a request for an ID... Just chill out a little man, no need to be so defensive and argumentitive.... Had I known you were a "kid" (someone said you were a teenager) I wouldnt have even engaged you in a verbal sparring back and forth... Just sit back , relax and enjoy the hobby... Good luck and happy hunting.... Now everyone has made there jokes...lets let it go and move on ....

He is 15.
Yeah, thats cool, I learned mine from my Dad who's a history buff
You do need to step back just a little and stop thinking everything is something from the 1800's. Just ask if you can't figure it out after attempting Google until your eyes bleed. I know how exciting it must be to find anything but step back and take things one piece at a time and look at it logically. This will come as you age and it will especially come if you ever get into the Archeological field because over reacting will make you a laughing stock in the field and not a soul will take you seriously. Always err on the side of caution and think it is just junk until it can be verified as something other than said junk.

HH and I really do hope you find something really kick butt and 1780's to 1880's sort of kick booty.
Hi it's an old pipe no doubt.Remember you are the one who asked what it was. Ive found old pipes in colonial era sites on many occasions. Sorry but it is what it is.
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