whats with this coldish bug going around?


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Jan 8, 2016
What's with this cold / fluish bug going around?!
I have been sick over 22 days now! Started out as a cold, because I use a cpap ended up bronchitis. I know I dont get enough rest, I dont get days off from work so I push through. But yesterday went to bed thinking I was starting to beat back this sickness then surprise I wake up sure throat and my tail bone feels like I was kicked by a horse on it.

Anyone else been battling sickness since Xmas?

Oh yea and tonight I'm in a deep mental fog can't think can't focus,
Forgot I bought stuff at the store until I'm home unloading the bags..

I just want to be better already!
It went around here this Fall...4-5weeks...like some sort of pneumonia...Lots of people went to the doctor and were prescribed a variety of things...This bug also has a variety of twists to it so the symptoms were different depending..

I had night sweats and a hard cough, nothing coming up though, I lost my voice from coughing so hard, nearly broke ribs!...It was like there was a feather floating around inside my lungs, so I called this ailment "Featherlung" ....

I didnt go to the doctor, I went to the Pharmacy and asked HIM what it was and what seemed to work...He was filling prescriptions like a madman...Nothing he said...."NyQuil...Theraflu..treat the symptoms, and just go through it"...

Good Luck Pup!
Most people's bodies now a days are so full of chemicals and hormones from the food we eat that what is prescribed by the doctors doesn't seem to help. When I feel myself starting to get sick, I take a double shot of good bourbon and go to bed with a couple of extra quilts. Usually wake up in the morning feeling a lot better. If I let it get a good hold, it might take a couple of days to get over it. Ever time you wake up take another double shot and cover up and sweat it out.
My wife, who is a nurse, has always had a few choice words about my medical degree.:laughing: But last year she came down with something like you are describing and nothing seemed to help. After about a month of doctors and prescriptions she was finally willing to at least try my suggestion. Three days and nights and a pint of jim beam and she was as close to normal as she will ever be. :lol:
Wife and I have been getting over it. Best medicine is to drink a shot glass of Green Chartreusse every hour. :yes:
That sounds like the same thing going around over here in the Philippines too. Our one niece is in the hospital with it. The hospital emergency rooms are full of sick people. A good place to stay away from. Over here we drink lemon juice. I put a big shot of something in mine. That makes me feel better. Hope everyone gets over this thing soon...
I just made me a Hot Totty. A little strong, but I feel better already... KEN
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