Equinox strikes $1 gold coin


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Jan 26, 2015
Middle TN
Not surprising to me as this detector is a low conductor hound.


Suplemental info supplied by actual Equinox formal tester.
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Yes..... Type-1, 2 & 3 U.S. Gold Dollars ID as a 1
> 0/11 in an air-test.......and in most soils.,.,.,.
> ,.,.,.,. even tilted. "On edge"...... and ID's can
> be much lower..... to include 'no detection'.
> U.S. 3-Cent Nickels ID as 7-8....... under most no
> rmal conditions.
Not surprising to me as this detector is a low conductor hound.


Suplemental info supplied by actual Equinox formal tester.
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Yes..... Type-1, 2 & 3 U.S. Gold Dollars ID as a 1
> 0/11 in an air-test.......and in most soils.,.,.,.
> ,.,.,.,. even tilted. "On edge"...... and ID's can
> be much lower..... to include 'no detection'.
> U.S. 3-Cent Nickels ID as 7-8....... under most no
> rmal conditions.
I always dig solid 12s hopefully one day....:lol:
I always dig solid 12s hopefully one day....:lol:

The real question is how many detectors will sound off on one of these at 6” deep?
And give good ballpark ID???

Ole Calabash will be able to tell us something about this soon.
The real question is how many detectors will sound off on one of these at 6” deep?
And give good ballpark ID???

Ole Calabash will be able to tell us something about this soon.

Is he burying gold coins in his test garden? We all know he's got deep pockets, but I didn't think they were that deep:lol:
Here is a vid.
Comparing a few detectors.
We’ll see how Calabash’s Nox does on his coin.


And how the Nox IDs at depth. This is key imo. The better ID given, so a person can at least have a clue what to dig vs digging a bunch of junk. (Wasting time).

If what I have witnessed while testing my Nox in my soil is any indication, Nox will definitley be a standout here on the smallest of gold US coins.

Special note here:
In the USA, if not for the US nickel and how the Equinox IDs (range), it is my opinion more worthy finds would be walked right by.
Can’t say this about fbs/fbs2 Minelab detectors.
I wish the one I found earlier this year was a Dahlonega mint. Thats worth some money. Found mine with my 9” Deus in a highly mineralized farm field. It hit it fine. I found a high karat gold cufflink in another highly mineralized field with my Equinox that Id at a 9. Equinox definitely loves low conductors
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Most of the gold rings I found were with an Xterra 70. I should have held on to that one as a backup. It was a low production number machine as well. I never learn:dash2:
Congrats on the find! NICE!

However, what I find disturbing is that the tests that I had performed with my NOX 600 showed that a 12 rings for Sterling Silver (tested against large ring I recently found).. and gold, depending on the karat rings in as 14 for 14k and 18 for 18k gold.. settings Park2 Iron Bias 1)

Does the fact that a coin is flat compared to the ring's shape make a difference?

Around here, 12-13-14 usually rings up pull tabs and other weird junk =(
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