Net working for permissions


Elite Member
Oct 5, 2021
I’m relatively new to detecting. This June will be a year. I see people on this site talking about it’s hard to find places to hunt. I’m having a hard time believing that. I have more places to hunt than I can get to and keep getting more offers all the time. I started out by asking a few local friends. If I see someone out in there yard that has a old home I stop and ask. When I’m talking to anyone at the store or anywhere I’m all ways listening for the mean chin of old house or farm. I’ve got several permissions from other permissions. Asking someone to detect doesn’t hurt you or them. A no is fine. Just move on and find another spot. If you think asking for permission to detect is hard try ask for permission to deer hunt. Around here it would be easier to find silver dollar than get permission to deer hunt.

Good luck and just ask you my be surprised!
Boy you are lucky. Here in E. Tn. people are just plain stand offish. The few I have gotten in the past have been good though. Good luck with all your permissions!
Boy you are lucky. Here in E. Tn. people are just plain stand offish. The few I have gotten in the past have been good though. Good luck with all your permissions!

Yeah, Central Virginia here, and people are very weird about their property unless they know you. I've found a few good spots because someone I know got permission for me. All you can do is keep plugging away until you get a yes.
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