Jamestown, KY

We are at a volunteer gig near Jamestown, KY. As is my habit, I asked locals about metal detecting opportunities in the area. Not a lot of good info, but one of the employees told me that a previous volunteer had given them a bag of misc. coins. It had been sitting on a shelf for a couple years, no one wanted them and he offered them to me.

There was a real mix of coins from around the globe. Many of them from the 40's. 50's and 60's. There were only 6 US coins. 3 V nickels, 1 seated dime, an IH penny and a steel wheaty. There were also several interesting tokens.


Just a good reminder to talk to people about your passion. You never know when it will pay off in a good hunt site or maybe even a bag of coins.

I can't wait to get out in this area and do some MD'ing. This is a much older area than the area I'm from in AZ.

Happy hunting ll!
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