EQ counter weight


I am ok here , it doesn't bother me, oh i am getting old to :oldguy:, i am not going to add more weight to the light machine, but i agree with Dew , ML should have had this machine balanced , all the time it took them to come out with it :roll::laughing: , the CTX if heavy, but balanced , go figure . PS to bad the handle , because of the battery inside cannot be moved forward or backward , for balancing -is a nail in the coffin :roll: I think ML should fire the NOX designer 4 sure .
Honestly Surf.... moving the handle would have been nice, but wouldnt help with the balance. Simple adjusting the lower shaft does the same thing in that respect. Most of us like a long swing ...... which can really make it even more nose heavy. We all know this beats the heck out of swinging a CTX all day..... its a bear.
Counterweights/balanced rig is Super Important! 'Lightweight' is no good if its unbalanced...Especially when a guy puts a big coil on a rig, and throws the ergos all out of whack.....

So yeah..I've thought about it a lot...wondered if anybody here simply uses a screwtop canister of somesort? Instead of a dedicated weight? A guy could put in sand to adjust the weight and balance for the situation and your liking... Dump a little out, put in a little more...depending on your preference...even re-balance throughout the hunt? Dump it all out at the end of each hunt or modify on the fly if you change coils or whatnot...

Better yet would be some sort of "counterweight bindle bag" like a Hobo carries? Just something that you know you got in there you might need? Spare batts, car keys, zip ties, tools, loupe, pepper spray, chapstik, tape and superglue in case of a cut? Aspirin, wetwipes, breath mints, condoms, little airplane bottles of vodka, space blanket, rabbit snares, perfume, Beef jerky, lighter and smokes, mini snickers bars? etc...

You know, the normal things you carry everyday in your pocket? Even if its a softpack kind of zipper up pouch for a counterweight??...? Just thinking....A "Counterbalance Bug Out Hobo Survival Bindle Bag" is what we really need and would probably sell...! :laughing::laughing:

Yeah..a "Counterbalance Bindle Bag" would sell..especially to us! :laughing:
Going to mod mine somewhat like this. but making a capsule in the end to put some rings in when found. Beats running to the car:lol:
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