Roman Hoard

This is just the kinda of story that makes me want to return to my ancestors European Homes, what an awsome history Europe has, they have so much to explore and find.
What a find, i couldnt sleep for days if i made such a find. I am certainly doing researching my local area thanks now to the internet which i didnt have 10 yrs ago when i last had a detector but beileve me this country is riddled with iron / bronze age settlements and everything else after that.
Yes there is still a lot out there to find. For the most part though, it's like
looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack.

In my mind, the fun is in the searching, I never expect to find much so when I do, it's a bonus
Thats it you hit the nail on the head.....its got to be fun and i said im waiting for the crops to come in but still excited just playing on some local fields that have lots of rubbish under them and recovering small change at the best. Im sure if we keep looking we should be able to find the needle. Sean
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