Civil War research problem


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Sep 20, 2015
North Atlanta, GA
I have been using Civil War Diaries, regiment and brigade journals and books and Civil War era newspapers for my research.

I find a wealth of information that gets me "near" the location of camps and skirmishes.

But that is just the problem. Near covers a wide area of many acres to even square miles. It is almost like the historians really don't wish for anyone to find the actual site. I found that most Georgia Historical markers are useless. I even know for fact that several of them that are CW related have been moved yet the brass or bronze casting verbage is way too expensive to alter the location on the historical marker. I guess that other than detectorists most people don't really care for any accuracy in identifying these important (to me) CW locations.

I have even seen some good overlays on privately created google maps, but again "near" seems to be a general term. I really don't see a solution for this other than and go out on scouting detecting trips and see what I can find.

I did luck on one area where the guy had some earth works in his yard and got permsssion to hunt his property. But that is the exception more than the norm. But I accomplished that by sending letters to about six suspected properties and got one positive hit.

Has anyone found another better solution to this "near" location problem?
I have a similar problem, following your thread, hope someone can provide some guidance.
I've found that many of the soldiers never really knew where they were. I even use the battle maps on the library of Congress website, drawn by the soldiers, and they have towns in the wrong places, and all other features all over. I just use them to get to the area and then go from there. The bronze historical markers are the same here. They are usually near a major road on the edge of the property not really near the sites. There's a "historical drive" you can follow around the state, which is why I think they keep those signs out of the neighborhoods and on the main roads.
One place I’m looking for was a short term camp and there was no combat, however a few soldiers who were sick died and were buried there. After the war they were moved to national cemeteries. This makes me think there are more specific records somewhere. But where?

(I don’t mean to hijack your thread Maxxcatt)
One place I’m looking for was a short term camp and there was no combat, however a few soldiers who were sick died and were buried there. After the war they were moved to national cemeteries. This makes me think there are more specific records somewhere. But where?

(I don’t mean to hijack your thread Maxxcatt)

naw, we are all seeking related information.
Many times the reference to a particular landmark as a campsite is just a reference. By that I mean it was meant for you to go to that spot, and then continue on until you find their camp. I followed a lead once for a New York camp at a particular church. The camp was actually nearly a half mile past the church. We found it by accident but got an ID tag to know what camp it was.
Many times the reference to a particular landmark as a campsite is just a reference. By that I mean it was meant for you to go to that spot, and then continue on until you find their camp. I followed a lead once for a New York camp at a particular church. The camp was actually nearly a half mile past the church. We found it by accident but got an ID tag to know what camp it was.

I guess if CW relic hunting was easy, everyone would be doing it.
Same issue here on Revolutionary sites and locations. Might it be worthwhile for you Civ guys to go out and speak to land owners in your area of interest. Much will be tongue in cheek but every now and then, I'll get a nugget of info. Like; my grandfather used to find musket balls, broken pottery and even found that cannon ball where the creek meets that field right there. Some of those seasoned citizens may have stories that'll help.
I detect 1/4 mile a mile away from a civil war camp and find a lot of civil war relics. But one property I hunt. I would go hundreds of yards and not find anything and then find over 40 bullets in a 10 yard square. You have to hunt the whole property to know if anything relics are there. This same farm I was hunting close to a creek and the farmer asked to look for a hitch pin he had lost nit was well over 1000 yards from the creek. My first signal was a 3 ringer. I find over 100 bullets several buttons a a few carved bullets in that spot. Never did find his hitch pin so I bought him a new one for letting me detect I took it no one had ever detected that far away from the creek at that spot and I probably never would have either. But now I do, that was a lesson learned.
I detect 1/4 mile a mile away from a civil war camp and find a lot of civil war relics. But one property I hunt. I would go hundreds of yards and not find anything and then find over 40 bullets in a 10 yard square. You have to hunt the whole property to know if anything relics are there. This same farm I was hunting close to a creek and the farmer asked to look for a hitch pin he had lost nit was well over 1000 yards from the creek. My first signal was a 3 ringer. I find over 100 bullets several buttons a a few carved bullets in that spot. Never did find his hitch pin so I bought him a new one for letting me detect I took it no one had ever detected that far away from the creek at that spot and I probably never would have either. But now I do, that was a lesson learned.

Smart move on buying him a pin. Good permissions when they come along are really good things to protect with a good relation with the owner.
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