BHD-3300 10" COIL / 4" Coil?


A Moderating Knight of the Round Coil
Super Mod
Forum Supporter
Apr 14, 2006
All of you that have the BHD Discovery Series (3300, 2200, 1100) the 10" coil is a must! I have been very surprised recently by more & deeper finds in tot lots that I know I had done thoroughly with the stock coil. Do any of you have the 4" coil and do you recommend getting it?:?:
I have the 4 inch coil but usually use the stock coil. I have never found any problem where trash targets became so numerous that I had to use the found inch head. I would use the 10 inch but I am low on money. The four inch has limited depth as well. Maybe 5-6 inches on a dime; and where I hunt 90% of silver dimes are deeper than this. I would love the eight inch and think that it would be great.
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